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Share your quitting journey

This is my blog.....

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I am new here,and new to the idea that i REALLY am going to quit smoking,sure i have tried before but i am not to sure my heart was in it. I used to sneak off and smoke during those "attempts" looking back and thinking i was slick......... good grief i was doing nothing but kidding myself.......thinking "i'll be good after this one"  it has finally dawned on me,you have to change your "want-to's" i want to be healthy,i want to be happy,i want to set a good example for my children i want to be a good example to my co-workers and i want to be proud of myself


I am not new here, I've had a page since 2008 when I quit before but I am new to another quit!  I only have a few hours into my quit but I totally know what you mean about being slick.  I actually failed today and smoked (you can see in my blog what happened) but I am so determined to quit this time!!!  Anyway, if you want to chat or have questions, I am here.  In fact, over the next few days I will be swarming this site, reading blogs and writing blogs... It helps SO MUCH!!!  There are a lot of people on this site that have a lot of really great advice.  I am sure by the time you read this you will have a ton of comments with helpful links and words of encouragement!  Like I said, if you need anything, just let us know.  Welcome to EX 🙂


Welcome to the community! Sounds like you want to do this. You have to be willing though to sy goodbye to the nicodemon. Do your reading...(I love!)...get yourself prepared...stay close to our community! You can do this...only YOU can! 🙂


Welcome! Congratulations on your decision to quit. You need to read all you can. Start out by reading


Sorry. It wouldn't let me write any more... One thing about quitting...You either DO or you Don't. There is no in between.  One puff will lead to a pack.  A lot is mind set. You control you. Don't let a dried up weed be stronger and control you.  You can do it. I've been where you are at. Believe me. You CAN do it!   We are here for you!   NOPE! - Not One Puff Ever!


hey Guy!

Welcome to the eX community.   I agree that "the wanna"  is the most important thing that we bring to our quit.  The good news is that ANYBODY can do it!  You'll be offered many suggestions and techniques as you RE-learn life SMOKE FREE!  (likely, even some "tough love")  Take what works for you and RUN WITH IT!  share your struggles and share your successes!  

You can do this...... and we will help!


This is about making a commitment to yourself and then honoring yourself enough to keep this commitment. Read up on our addiction. Knowledge is power. Read the book suggested and also the sites. Read people's profiles here and read comments on others' blogs. In other words, read, read READ!

You can do this, guy. I know you can.

   Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! To prepare I did a lot of reading - blogs here, the free course at: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" - free download -
   The reading - plus hanging out here - will make all the difference! Welcome again!

Welcome!  You have been given some great reading material  above, please do read and then read some more.  Education is Power over this addiction.  Also, "wanting" to quit is great, but until you "decide" to quit, wanting won't get you there.  Good start, though.  Read, read, read, stay close, and blog your heart out.  This is a great community.  

