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This is hard for me....

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I am begginning to think that I want my cigarettes out of habit, and I am having a hard time trying to re-learn so much. I mean sometimes I will smoke a cigarette and then I will light up another one without even realizing that I just smoked one. And I find myself getting really annoyed when my husband points it out and says, "Hey didn't you just smoke one?"

Why is that? I almost feel like these cigarettes control my life. I don't want them to. You know how kids carry around blankets, or stuffed animals, or pacifiers as a comfort device. It is almost like if I do not have a cigarette between my fingers, whether lit or not, I am not comfortable. If anyone can help with this, please feel free to enlighten me.

I've tried just using say a pen, or one of my son's crayons, or anything of the same size, but it only helps for so long.

This is going to drive me crazy.

I know girls/women don't like to hear this, but I find when I get the urge, if I eat something it really helps. Yes, I have put on about 5lbs, but so what, (I'm skinny to begin with!)
Good luck! I'm on day 4, and yes it wierd not having something in my hand, but i am just constantly chewing gum, and i started putting rubber bands from work on my wrist and playin around with it, it actually helps...GOOD LUCK!
I know exactly what you mean. I felt the same way about smoking and cigs. I couldn't believe how I'd want another one so soon after I'd just finished one.

Eventually I got to the point where I really started feeling bad about how much I was smoking and what it was doing to my body. I hated how I looked smoking, hated what people must think of me smoking. I really applied a lot of negativity to smoking and yet I continued to smoke. I did this for probably the last 3 years. I was having a real love/hate relationship with my nicotine addiction. But I never stopped smoking and didn't decrease either.

When I made the decision to quit smoking, it was a final decision. No going back, no more smoking, I put the last one out and didn't look back.

One has to make a complete final irrevocable decision to quit smoking. No pussy footing around it, no I just wanna quit. Just make the decision to never take another puff.

Only once you reach that full decision will you put out that last cigarette.
Hey Lacey,

Everything you say is true. They do control our lives...they are a major part of everything we do. That is why the EX plan is so important. You need to learn how to live without them. Just like the commercials say....if you can do _____without cigarettes you can do anything. It is so true. Nic will constantly try to talk you out of quitting. That is what an addiction does. You will find a million reasons to feed him not to quit but once you decide you are going to do it and get a plan together you will be amazed. You will smell better, you will breathe better, you will not spend all your time planning cigs and ligthers, and where to go, and where to buy some etc. You can sit in the nonsmoking section and not hate it. You won't have to excuse yourself from social situations to go is sooo cool not to have to worry about that stuff.

You can do this!! Do the EX plan, ignore the whispers of your addiction, get some help if you need it (patch, chantix, whatever) and just do it!

You will be so happy you did. It just takes some work and we are here to help.

We can do this!

Susan Day 120
I had talked about quitting some time ago to one of my friends who did quit. She said when you feel like sticking a smoke in your mouth to instead get a rounded, thin mouthed sports bottle. I think Ozarka has one that might be just the right size. But anyways she said she nursed one of those every time she had a craving. I have also used controlled breathing to kick a craving, and it works rather well. I put my fingers to my lips like I would if I had a cig, and tighten my lips and suck air through them. Then I hold it in for about as long as I would a drag of smoke. Do that for 2 or three minutes. I'm not an ex yet either, but that particular method my doctor told me about and it works. Not as good as an actual smoke, mind you, but it will help you put it off for a little bit longer.
Lacey, I was looking at that adorable picture of your youngster. Here's something you might try to help break the cycle of addiction. (Still working on it myself so take it for what it's worth). Picture your darling baby with a cigarette in his mouth. Or imagine what his life would be like if he ended up getting cancer from either second hand smoke or modeling your behavior. As with all addictions, the drug makes the decisions for us and it takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to fight those urges. You keep fighting. There will be rough times - count on that! Have you found a support person yet? If you've identified your husband as your support, work hard at not getting angry with him for pointing things out to you. If you don't like how he is supporting you, explain how you feel and what you need from him or find someone else. There's nothing makes me want a cigarette more than iron will stubbornness when it comes to someone telling me what or what not to do. Now I've decided to take that iron will and use it to fight instead of 'prove a point' that doesn't need proven. Keep fighting. Crossword books. Change chairs out of your routine seat. Anything to re-learn. I'm praying for you!!