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They gave me some pills to quit smoking...

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They gave me some pills to quit smoking on October on a second that was on Monday to quit smoking my doctor told me keep smoking for 7 or 9 with pills he told me it’s for Control my nicotine craving he told me I can smoke for 7 to 9 days I thought he was crazy but I called the pharmacy they told me the same thing is for controlling my nicotine craving I said OK no problem I call the pharmacy OK again and ask him again in front of my friend because my friend thought I was stupid and crazy the bill does not have nicotine I am allergic to nicotine patches

I quit on February 1 of 2017 for three months and I started again then I quit again on October Thursday the fourth but my real Quit smoking date is October 14, 2017 at seven in the morning

It’s been 11 hours and 55 minutes without no cigarettes and I feel fine I don’t understand why my brother don’t quit he smokes a pack a day maybe two packs today that $10 they call Newport‘s you really want to know why I quit because my father doctor talk oxygen test on my father because he was coughing then I went outside to smoke a cigarette and when I came back I started coughing a lot he gave me the test my oxygen level was between 20% to 30% he told me if I keep smoking I’ll be using oxygen

Did anybody heard double time is cigarettes They are like cigars
They are like $1.86 and the cartons are $18 dollars I was to buy two of them they cost $33 I just spent $100 each for Carton Newport
On October 2 I found out my father passed away

October 6 2017 at 9 am 2017 8 AM was my father funeral.


I'm sorry for the loss of your father.

As I recall, you quit for a number of years didn't you?

What did you use then?


Luis, I was so glad to hear from you!

Then I read about the passing of your Father! My Sincerest Condolences!

I will keep him, you and your Family in my thoughts and prayers!

Luis, we're here for you! Make this your Forever Quit!!!

Big Hugs, Brother!


Thank you very much how are you


I am sorry to hear of your father's passing. You are back and have quit that in itself is great to hear. As for your brother, let him see how your quitting is helping you. Keep asking him to join you, but be gentle about it so you do not push him away. Best of luck

Community Manager
Community Manager

Luisde32808 wrote:

Thank you very much how are you

Why did you create a second account luisdeleon619‌?


Thank you


Because couldn’t change date 


Hi Luis.  Nice that you're back at it!  Very sorry to hear about your father.  I'm sure he would be proud of you for quitting again.  Keep up the good work.  Stay strong!


Thank you very much have a nice day


Welcome back, I am really glad that you have quit.  So sorry to hear about your father.  I would let your brother watch you and maybe talk to him about how well you are feeling and doing without smoking.  I hope I understand that you are NOT smoking cigars either...right?  Please hang onto your quit, stay close to the site and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.



 Thank you very much I appreciate it but I don’t understand why I started smoking  maybe because I’m stressed out or maybe because I feel stupid suicidal I really don’t know I’m confuse I started smoking on February 1,  2015 then at 2016 on February 1 I quit for three months then I started again


 Then I quit again  October 14 of 2017


You are DOING this, Luis, it would be good if you tried to understand that smoking doesn't HELP with stress or anything else.  This is a one day at a time journey and if you stay close to the site and blog and read blogs, you will learn everything you need to know to quit and, more importantly, to STAY quit.  



Community Manager
Community Manager

luisdeleon619 wrote:

 Thank you very much I appreciate it but I don’t understand why I started smoking  maybe because I’m stressed out or maybe because I feel stupid suicidal I really don’t know I’m confuse I started smoking on February 1,  2015 then at 2016 on February 1 I quit for three months then I started again

I can tell that you're hurting and I'm concerned about you. I'm going to follow up with a private message.

EX Community Manager


Thank you very much what do you mean what are used then


Hi lius I am very sorry about your Dad it hurts so much to lose the ones we love My hope is to meet them again . I am very glad you are here again !sayings welcome back.gif



How are you doing, friend?  I know you are grieving the loss of your father, that's perfectly normal.  Please remember that smoking is not going to help with grief...your addiction will stuff that feeling down and you may feel a very temporary relief but we all have to grieve, we all have to learn to feel things without trying to cover them up with cigarettes.  You should have more than two weeks of freedom now, I really hope you will stay with us and blog and let us know how you are.
