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Share your quitting journey

The struggle is real...

3 6 153

I've been without a cigarette for 10 days, and I'm doing okay. I can work through the cravings, and except for the food substituting in the hand-to-mouth habit, I am not suffering too badly. However, after reading yesterday that only 7.5% of smokers who quit make it for an entire year, I got a little sad. That's been my experience over 40 years of smoking and quitting; I never make it past six months. I had a few moments of "why bother?" It might have been a bad thing for me to read that particle article at this particular point.

So I struggled a lot last evening, half about to throw up my hands, admit I can't do it, and go buy some ciggies, but I managed to keep myself in line by telling myself that was the addiction looking for an easy way out. 

But, after I went to sleep, I dreamed I smoked. And, the good news is, I woke up at 4 am, madder that H-E-double hockey sticks that I had smoked. Literally, I was angry at my dream self for what I'd done. Weird experience, but it was a bump up from the pointlessness I'd felt yesterday. I feel a lot stronger today, and closer to believing I can be part of the 7.5%. 


6 Comentarios

@Jeb623   Congratulations on quit day 10!!  I remember the smoking dreams as well.  Bizarre feeling when you wake up but so relieved you only smoked in your dream, not in real life.  I am so glad you are believing you will be part of the 7.5 % that remain quit after a year.  When I started here (quit day 536), it was only 6%.  I never looked at that number as a negative, because I was so sick of the addiction and how it ran my life.  Smoking right now, will not be enjoyable anyway, it will taste awful and it will not make you feel better and it will not change one thing about your situation.  

I know you are having some challenging days, at quit day 10.  BUT, when you woke up and RIGHT NOW you are feeling pretty good about yourself, right?  You prolonged it, you distracted, you delayed so that now you can say, quit day 10 and tomorrow you WILL say quit day 11.  There are no positives to this addiction, you already know that.  Everyday you don't smoke, you WIN and big tobacco loses.  Don't get too far ahead of yourself, sometimes it's an hour at a time.  

I journaled alot, it helped me.  Discover and start enjoying all the things you didn't when you smoked.  Let that number empower you to keep going.  Don't lose heart and stay strong and just like now, you can be proud that you DID NOT give in.  I would remind myself when a crave would come, I DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE, say it outloud to redirect your brain.  


Your addict brain will try to hijack you at every chance you give it.  SO - short circuit those thoughts!  When they start in, IMMEDIATELY get your mind occupied doing something else.  Count backwards from 10,000, find white things in your room, take a walk, play a computer game, call a friend, work on a crossword or jigsaw puzzle.   You will need to work at this in these early days, but it will get easier when you get some time under your belt.

You did GOOD to get past that one!  Keep doing that!

We call those smoking dreams "smokemares."  I think most of us have had them.  I was SO proud when I had one early in my quit, and I stopped myself before I lit one!  BUT - further along I had one where I was sitting in a beautiful garden, lit one, smoked it and enjoyed every last bit of it!!!  Pay them no mind, except maybe to celebrate that it was only a dream!



Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jeb623 Congrats on 10 days quit! You got this, and @YoungAtHeart is right, anything you can do to get your brain to re-route your thoughts will be so helpful in you staying quit. And here are some articles that might help as well:

Please keep us posted on how things continue to go for you!

- Danielle, EX Team


You know you can make it 6 months so you OBVIOUSLY can make it to a year; you can make it to 2 years and 10 years. This IS the new you.  This is your forever quit.  Decide you will not smoke no matter what and then it’s just one day at a time.  Celebrate the wins and who cares what % does what.  Focus on one win at a time! Keep winning.  


@Jeb623 Congrats on 10 days of success.  It's the addiction talking to you.  Your job right now is one day at a time.   Don't look too far into the future to side track your quit.  

After 6 years, I still have the smoking dream occasionally.  It makes sense to me.  It's just another memory and event stored in your brain..

There will be challenges on this journey, but remain positive.  Celebrate each day of success.  Continue to stay close to the site--it works.


Stay busy and stay close.


Great job at dodging that pitfall. Don't worry about statistics.....take it one day at a time. And KNOW that you CAN do this.......we all did and we are no different from you. Stay strong and rely on this is the BEST support ever. I credit the people here with 95% of my success in quitting.

10 days............on to 11!!!!!!!!!