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Share your quitting journey

The "Good Old Days" (Repost from 09/11/2012)

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Repost of: The "Good Old Days" - EX Community  

Good morning my fellow EXer's! I would like to start this blog with heartfelt congratulations for all of you who are enjoying the benefits of a successful quit! As I read thru the blogs I find so many people who are struggling! So many are loosing there quits to stress, bad situations in their families, illness, job issues, and a host of other things! It just seems like so many are quitting at a bad time!

Reading this makes me thankful that I quit back in the "Good Old Days! I look today and see Sheryl with 1400 Days! I am approaching 1000 days! Then there is Mothergoose9(Connie), Giulia, Peggy, Dale, Mike n @tlanta, and so many others that I can not begin to name them all! We are the one who were lucky enough to quit back in the "Good Old Days"! The days when there was no stress, or illness or family issues! When jobs were great............... Do what? ................... Oh yeah! I guess I forgot about that! ........ That too!

You know, the truth of the matter is that life is going to continue to happen to all of us, no matter when we quit! The best that any of us can do is prepare the best that we can, and dive right in! I am a firm believer that the keys to success are Education and Support! I encourage you to learn about your addiction (And yes you are an addict)  and face it! This does not mean that you you need to take a years long course of study! Learn the basics and keep learning even after you take the plunge! There is a vast storehouse of knowledge among the members of this site, and bits of it are shared everyday! So show up everyday, and learn! The second key is support! In our daily lives we do have some people who want us to quit! They support us the best they know how! What they do not understand is that we are addicts for life! We are all one puff away from a pack a day! They do not understand that after the first month, we are not cured! On-going support is important! We understand that here! That is why we are here when you need us whether it is day 3 or day 350!

Unfortunately, I left my crystal ball in my other suit! I can not tell you when bad things are going to happen in your life! But I can guarantee you that bad things will happen! I can also guarantee you that there are some good times ahead as well! These things are going to happen, no matter your smoking status! Neither are EXcuses to smoke! So go ahead and toss those butts! Re-take your life and your Freedom! There is never a bad day to quit! There is never a good day to smoke! And one more guarantee! When you quit, there will be more good days ahead than bad! Believe me! I have been to the top of the mountain, and looked both ways! The smoke Free way is the way you want to go! So take my hand, and that someone else! Let's go take a look from the top of Mount Freedom!                           Tommy

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