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The plan....Day 9 of counting down

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The 16th is chosen in honor of my Aunt Laurel (we called her poppy). I will be here in Florida when my family gathers for her memorial that day. Instead I will be honoring her memory with the only thing she ever asked of quit smoking. Today, I started with small changes. I didn't light up when I brought the dogs out after breakfast. I didn't smoke in the car on the way home from dropping my son off. I didn't have a cup of coffee, although my head is now regretting that by pounding like a drum. I made small goals for my day, a few things I have been wanting to do but never seem to make the time, and I'm doing them smoke free. Little reminders that I can do things with out it. All my chores are done and the water is off in the complex so I'm going to take the afternoon off. Tonight I'm going to teach my son how make pasta (he's 13 and decided he needs to know how to cook for his wife one day)...God I love that kid. In short, my plan. Set five small goals each day. 1 exercise 1 project 1 errand or short drive 1 hour of self 1 hour uninterrupted time with my son These are things I enjoy and will take the place of going out for a smoke. It's a start.