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Share your quitting journey

The perfect time of year to be 30 days quit.

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It's almost Christmas, a time of  love, joy and blessings all around. It's a time to be thankful, to remember, to share, to love, celebrate and to forgive. It's my favorite time of year and the first Christmas I have been smoke-free. Now that is something to be thankful for.  Thirty whole days!

If not for the thoughts, support, and kind words of others here this quit journey would have been far more difficult. The times I felt alone and unsure of myself, I honestly could feel all of you telling me to "hang on,.. you can do it!"

Whether it's your day one or day 300, don't be alone with your quit. I truly believe that is the key, have the support of others that know what you are going through. It will help you stay positive and reinforce the belief that   yes, you too can do it.

Thanks, love & hugs to all of you here.



so good 4 u!! 30 days is a long time to be smoke free. Hey how did u get the clock on ur profile?? mine just wont seem to work


Hi !! ...and thank you.

Looking at your page it appears your count down clock is working. 🙂 Some of the code used to place graphics on pages are a little messy and need cleaned up. So if you try to add a graphic etc., it might not work. Don't think it's you. If you know a little about html code you can clean it up yourself. If you don't, well just go fiind a different graphic to use.

Congratulations on quitting smoking! This is a great site to hang out and meet some wonderful people. Lots of support and advice. What I really like about this site is there doesn't seem to be the fighting and negativity I have seen at other sites. Nobody attacking others etc. It's peacful and so fun to have your own page to personalize. Playing around with my page has kept these ex smoking fingers busy through a lot of craves.

You are doing fantastic with your quit,...the first week is the absolute worst in my opinion, grat's again!



Thank you Hyacinth, This is a wondrous time of the year and a beautiful way to start a New Year smoke free.   Congratulations and have a very Merry Christmas!     Love, Hugs and many blessings, Mary


Cheers!!  Here's to our first smoke free Christmas Holiday!!  Its going good!  Merry Christmas!!!