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Share your quitting journey

The path to freedom is hard but walkable

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Happy new day to everybody!!

As I am writing,  I am starting my day 11 of freedom, I quit cold turkey after 41 years of slavery. In the last 30 years I tried some millions solutions to quit, my best result was last year cold turkey, freedom lasted 11 today is a big day!! So far it has been extremely's a daily struggle, very often I think: tomorrow I will smoke.... today I won't" .My mood is like a rollercoaster,  I have big difficulties in concentrating, I wake up in the middle of the night, then I fell asleep again, very deep sad thoughts are jumping in and out my mind...the cravings last less and less and every new  day they're less frequent. Before quitting, because of my previous attempts,  I knew that several times  a day I would have said :"aaah...I'm dying for a Ziggy" or "Aaahhh I could kill for a Ziggy",I and knew I would have considered suicide so, this time, the day I quit, I wrote down that these feelings would have come to me and it's helping me a lot now... How do you feel?


Congratulations on quitting smoking.  Congratulations on 11 days, that is huge. So glad you found this site.  I smoked for 52 years.  I tried to quit multiple times over the years.  I was never successful until I found this site. That is 6 years ago for me.  It is the best thing I ever did for myself. Come here often and read blogs.  You are doing great. 


I am posting here for myself and others who are trying to fight the battle with the demon of nicotine.  I am 84 days quit and although the battle to not smoke has been successful the mental and psychological bond is hard to break.  I find myself wanting a cigarette sometimes.  But I keep trekking through this desert and the good help I get from checking in here is essential. 

Thank you guys for being there


Thank you Barbara

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I feel if you tell yourself that you can, and believe that you can you will make it.  By relearning your thinking to get rid of the brainwashing that we have been programmed that we have to have "ziggy" you can make it.  That is a lie we continued to tell ourselves over and over again for you more than 40 years.  You do not have to smoke. That is the truth.  It will always be a choice.  Choose Freedom NOPE  each time you will get stronger as you said.  It is time to reprogram those thoughts so you can keep stacking those days. Just keep telling yourself that you don't do that anymore.‌  IT WORKS!


HI and Welcome to Ex’s Elisabetta 

My journey is similar to 303 Days Free, I am comfortable in my own quit skin...that’s the hang in through all the uncomfortableness we experience when we first quit...I think at about 4 months I knew I wanted this quit more than anything ever...

Congratulations on 11 days quit....I suggest you read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX and the blogs here at Ex’s...Much of this journey to me ... was finding something healthy to do inplace of smoking...(ie., I walk a lot, did jigsaw puzzle, knitted, cleaned a lot and planted flowers, oh I drank lots of water, etc.,) ... keep is a list to get you started /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=db51... 

We are all addicts and in this journey together.  Keep close to the site to encourage others on this journey and to get help...

Happy Wednesday and say NOPE (Not One Puff Ever)...Colleen 303 DOF 


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on 11 days.  That's an accomplishment to be proud of!!



thank you soooo much

Elisabetta Zanettin


/blogs/Marilyn.H.July.14.14.-blog/2019/09/30/its-bound-to-take-time-to-relearn-life by Marilyn


I feel great!!! To be a former smoker!!! But it wasn't always like that. Stick with Ex and grow your quit one day at a time.