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Share your quitting journey

The many reasons why I need to be S

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I would like to become a non smoker for many reasons.  It looks very bad to quit smoking and makes me look bad.  I am tired of being dependent on a plant called tobacco.  I have to see myself as a healthy person and try to somehow live longer.  I 

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This is a beginning. Welcome to EX

You have come to the right place for a new day and a new beginning.. This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smoke free. Quitting smoking requires hard work.  It can be challenging at times but you will learn that it is doable if you adhere to NOPE not one puff ever no matter what. 

Start first, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  

Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links:   and

I also encourage you to read. Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

 Go to and get started.


Welcome to the reading, education really IS a huge factor...stay close to the site for support and to see how others are traveling on this journey.



You are so right Hillary! There are a gazillion reasons to become Smoke FREE! 

I made a list of reasons to keep smoking which at first had several entries such as stress.

I also made a list of reasons to quit which only had a few entries at first #1 being COPD.

Before I knew it, my first list had zero entries left as I crossed them off, even the stress excuse.

My Quit List continues to grow years later!

It's the correct thing to do - do it for YOU!

I can 100% promise that staying Quit is worth it and doable!


I have heard of it before, but I forget....what does NOPE stand for.  Please help.  


Not One Puff's really simple to remember and it helps immensely.  I said it over and over again at the beginning of my quit and I could not believe that I had never heard of it until I found this site.  Remember that you cannot smoke "just one"...they travel in packs.

Welcome to EX.


Acerca del autor
I am Hilary and I need to quit smoking again for multiple reasons such as health, money, attention span, and a better life. I need to improve my health and my image. I am sick of being addicted to a plant and I know I feel bad when I smoke. I hope to make my life better again.