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Share your quitting journey

The first couple of weeks.

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So I followed advice, read quite a bit on the website, read other's blog-posts and am still smoke free. But seriously, what is it about the first couple of weeks that is so much like getting baptised by fire?

I have read about the struggles of some of the others on the website and when it comes to perceived difficulty, my issues seem like a walk in the park and pale in comparison with what some of you guys had to go through. Aside from the usual pangs, cravings and emotional turmoils ... my car got broken into 2 days ago. I was away at a nearby state park throwing the ball for my dog and came back to my window completely shattered and some high value items stolen from my car. If I had smokes on me, I would have smoked them. I know that for sure.

I know that I always get from God what I need, not what I want. But sometimes, as crazy as it may sound, I would rather my car get broken into after one year of being nicotine free. If only I had the freedom to schedule things in my life the way I wanted them. LOL !!

Thanks to all of you guys for being here. 2 weeks tomorrow ... 2 weeks of no smoking, no nicotine gum, no patches, no nothing.



It is so awkward physically and mentally to get through those first 2-3 weeks because smoking was so automatic.


Congratulations, so proud of you.  Dale is right, that was pretty much how we dealt with EVERYTHING.  

Two weeks is wonderful!


Thanks Elvan and Dale. 2 weeks is a big deal for me. The first thing to enter my mouth in the mornings is coffee and I swear it tastes so different. 🙂 This is almost like a new way of life. WOW

Awesome quit you have going on. Two weeks is a great start. We all have different triggers that seem to get various types of ideas. Sounds like you have been in a well balanced frame of mind. Keep it going. Pops

You are doing GREAT!  Everybody is different, smoked for some of the same but also different reasons - so it makes sense some will struggle more than others. For example, if you ALWAYS chain smoked while driving, that would be a HUGE trigger to get past.

I am happy to hear your journey seems to be smooth - but I caution you not to get too cocky.  Remain vigilant and always remember, there is no such thing to an addict as "just one!"



good for u bipin, glad your craves are minor, may they stay that way....keep marching on


Congratulations Bipin on 2 weeks smoke free.  Sorry to hear about your car and glad you didn't have a cigarette to smoke.  Keep up the great job. Stay stong! NOPE for me.


Hang in there. You did great by not caving in to the desire. Smoking does nothing to fix any situation. And the idea that it relieved stress was only an illusion. Each cigarette created stress as the nicotine level in your body lowered and made it necessary for you to go for your next fix. You will one day realize that when smoking is no longer an option, you will be forced to learn new ways to deal with stressful situations. And it may seem really hard for awhile. But then one day, you might just find yourself smiling as you realize that dealing with life without smoking is really WAY easier than you imagined it to be!


If  you can quit for 2 weeks you can quit for the rest of your life.  You are doing great.  Stay hyper- vigilant.  You are doing this.


You totally ACED that pop quiz, man! Good job! Proud of ya!