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Share your quitting journey

The Version of Us

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  Patty (Ladybug) cautioned me that, in the days after my quit, Nicodemon would whisper lies to me, and that those lies would feel very real and persuasive because Nicodemon would be using   my own voice to get what he wanted. That it would move inside me and sound exactly like me, as if I were its puppet. That the urgent begging for a puff of the drug would feel like   me pleading for relief, inside my own head. 
  Oh, such insidious trickery!
  Of course, as time went on and I cultivated my quit here, I learned that there is no trickery going on at all. 
  There is only recovery.
  Just yesterday, Patty and I revisited the notion that “Nicodemon” is us. He is me. He is you, too. So, if “Nicodemon” seems to know all of our weaknesses, it’s because   we know how to wheedle and cajole   ourselves into doing things we ought not do.  (We were very good at it, after all, and we know how to work it.) And if “Nicodemon” seems to be able to thwart all of our best, positive self-talk, it’s probably because   we don’t have much faith in it, didn’t prepare enough (or at all?) to believe in it, or are too afraid that it all might…actually…work. (Gasp!) 
  So, Nicodemon is the version of us that we need to get rid of.
  No, wait…that’s not right.
  “Nicodemon” is the version of us that we need to   correct with knowledge and discipline.
  It is not some weird outside force that compels us to smoke poison again. It is not some supernatural specter that haunts us, makes us wilt with fear and crumble against our wills.
  No,  Nicodemon” is the version of us that we need to correct with knowledge and discipline.
   STORM: 140

Good write up Storm. Thank you

Yes it is - of course. But, I do believe there is that real Demon outside of us tho who does his best to diminish anything positive we try to do. It wants us discouraged, depressed and of course to stay on the dark side!! There is a spiritual warfare going on all the time that we just don't see. Sometimes we can certainly feel it tho!!! Hah!!! Anyway the bottom line is we still have a choice and we have control. I may not always make the right choices but they are freely mine to make regardless of any internal or external influences! Can I get an Amen?!! ❤

Great Blog Storm!!!



Yes Storm you are right the nicodemon is us, so right.



Great blog, Storm. 

Amen, Anne.

Summer, I firmly believe it's better not to think sometimes! Yes, Just breathe!


Great blog, MY case, it would be MS. Nicodemon and not Mr. though. I feel as though the stronger I become, the more informed I become, the less of a threat Ms. Nicodemon is to me.

Amen, Anne.

Happy weekend!


BRAVOOOOOOOOO!!! Great explanation!!!


Right you are.  Who better to talk us into into what we think we want than ourselves?