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The Ultimate test!

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I'm proud to say that it's been 40 days and I'm still holding strong!  

Here was my ultimate test, I was in a casino for two days.  OMG, the first day when I arrived it was about 5pm, I immediately felt overwhelmed with the cigarette smell as we explored the casino.  I could feel it in my throat and my nose felt very stuffy.  I walked around and the voices started.  I popped in a butterscotch and I was good.  I actually tried to gamble a little in the smoking section.  I couldn't do it.  I got something to eat and went to my room.  It was only 8pm.  The next morning I was up early before the smokers and discovered the no smoking section.  I was actually okay because I was armed with a whole bag of my butterscotch that I kept shoving in my mouth as soon as one was gone.  Lol.  I was good.  Talk about overcoming a trigger, gambling, smoking and a drink always went hand in hand together for me.  I held on to a water bottle and sipped occasionally while tearing up my butterscotch candies.  

Part of my quit strength is I just don't want to let myself down, I'm past the hard part, I can't go back.  I don't want to go back to that place.  My fellow ex' ears Im not on here much, but today I have some serious bragging rights so I'm sharing.  A big shout out to Shawnp, thanks for the support I saw you pop up a few times. Thanks so much for checking on me.  I didn't have my IPad with me so I couldnt respond.  I don't like use my phone for this stuff.

For those of you that know my connection with mentholatedmelodykool, let's all keep her in prayer.  In her defense  After having watched me smoke for her entire life and now I'm preaching she needs to quit because I finally did.  She can't even hear me.  I want her to watch me ......being smoke free....... 40 days is an indication that it can be done.  She can't see it, I just need her to see and hear me instead of listening to the voices.   I can't stress and worry about her.  I have my own journey with the beast, that I'm conquering everyday.

In about two weeks another big trigger, I take my first airplane ride, even though the days of smoking on planes have long passed, the days of getting in that last smoke before going inside the terminal and running off the plane to get to a smoking zone are no more.    Ready.....Feeling powerful and proud of myself!   

Nhandi.isfree ........Gina


Congratulaions on your accomplishments. Thank you for coming here and sharing. Havea great day.  Sounds to me you are really in a good place with your quit.  40 days is awesome.  Come more often. 

Congratulations!!!! You have every right to brag. High five to you, non-smoker!

Congrats on 40 days, and overcoming that HUGE trigger.  Right now, for me, that's one door I don't want to open!


Congrats on 40 days won! That's quite a trigger to be in a casino but you handled it with grace and intelligence:) Well done!

Sorry to hear about your friend mentholatedmelodykool - you can guide her, but it's her choice if she doesn't follow (she probably isn't mentally ready yet). I hope that by your awesome success, she will take another look at her addiction and know she can do it too. You are a good friend to her to care so much - no judgement here - I truely hope she listens to you and hears what you have to say:)


I found it WONDERFUL to be in the airport and NOT worry abouy my next fix.  I could sit, do slow/deep breathing to calm myself.  It was SO much easier to control without my brain sensors screaming at me for their needs!!!  Perhaps you can embrace your new freedom instead of thinking about what used to be?

(be sure to have your butterscotch candies with you!!!)



I'm proud of you too! Your daughter will have a great example in you when she finally decides she is ready to quit too. You are wise to let her her fight this particular demon without preaching to her about it.


The plane is so true. I would time my check in to the last second. Then when I landed straight to the exit. Great for you!


Congrats on 40 days! Nancy is so right - flying without being chained to smoking is so amazing! I always thought I was a nervous flyer - wrong! It was actually the addiction! You are doing great! Continue to protect your vey precious quit - no matter what! 


Congrats and keep stacking the days. Flying is much better when you"re and EX. No more hassles going through security to go out or rushing around at a flight connection to get a nicotine fix.


congrats on 40 DOF. Gambeling, smoking and drinking use to go hand in hand for me but I was able to enjoy a day at the casino with my non smoking friends.  I kept cinnimon cand and a coffee stir stick in my hand the entire time and I did not drink.  I felt so proud that I made it through one of my triggers.  Keep stacking those days.  You are doing great.

The journey continues