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The Sun is shining on the Playground!

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It is great to see so many good friends here on the playground.  I see kids on the swings, seeing how high they can go.  I see others on the monkey bars, and a whole group in the sand box.  So many new kids are here too, all working hard to stay away from that bully nicotine and get healthier and richer!

I see a few on the merry go round, spinning really, really fast.  Some kids are playing tag under the oak trees.  A few older kids are sitting on the benches, talking and laughing.  There is something for everyone here at the Ex Playground.

I am here today, excited that tomorrow I will have the last cigarette of my life.  I have been waiting for this for a long time, eager to kick that bully out of my life.  I had set my quit date as June 1st so I could look forward to it, and let the excitement build.  The day is almost here!!

And with all the help of the other kids on the playground, I will succeed.  I will come here when I feel sad, or angry, or just frustrated, and the other kids will help me deal with the emotions that in the past I hid with nicotine.  I will come here to help other kids, but it is okay for me to be selfish sometimes too and just come here when I need help.

Lastly, I will let go of the guilt (or at least try) of having 6 months of not smoking ruined by my turning to nicotine rather than asking for help here.  Admitting that I need help has always been hard for me, and admitting my weaknesses even harder.  I need all you other kids here on the playground to help me with that.

Now who wants to go play on the slide?

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Acerca del autor
I am 64 now. Living, breathing, keeping busy, but yet...failing. It is time to stop failing, at least when it comes to quitting smoking.