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The Sorrow Trigger

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Yesterday was a beautiful, wonderful day, full of promise and joy, but as many things are, days can be deceiving. Last night I went to revival and as I was leaving, my guy friend who said he was leaving at the end of the month, was outside working on his truck with a friend. I told him there was supper fixed in the microwave and I was off to church. He said that was fine, he would be at the the house. Yesterday morning he had said he thought maybe he didn't want to leave me after all and of course that was confusing, but I thought we had found a comfortable place with each other. I went to church, about an hour away and enjoyed it a lot, I got home around ten or so and he was not here. I could see that he had been here all evening, the washer was full of water and the hood was up on the truck, light under the hood too. I came in the house and called his cell and he told me that he had messed up a piece on his truck and drove to the next town over to get the part from a friend. I said ok, but it was getting late, he asked me to watch his truck until he got here. I sat here talking to some of you while waiting for him to get here. It seemed that it was taking a little long, so I called again and reminded him I had to get to bed, I keep kids very early in the morning. He said no prob, he was leaving now, about twenty minutes later he pulled in and I started going to bed. He came in the house and I walked over to him, he seemed different. I asked was he ok? He said he did not feel well and thought he would just go to bed. I asked him how did he not feel well and he started pulling on his arm and rubbing his chest. I told him to sit down and he kept saying it was hot, turn on the air which I did, but knew it was not hot, he was clammy and sweating. I told him I thought I better call 911, he said no, but we went back and forth and I called anyway. I walked in the hall and told them I thought he was having a heatrt attack at 45. They finally got here and put the monitor on him and took me in the hall and said yes he has. They took him to a large hospital about 45 minutes from the house. I called some of his family and one of his brothers came and got me and his mother and we were there all night. He did have a heart attack, brought on by massive blockage to his heart, caused by smoking and eating fatty foods. The doctor said he should count himself blessed that he had someone there that recognized what was happening and got help quickly, that they were able to get to him quickly and that he did not die on the road trying to get home. The doctor has told me he will have to have major life style changes, including no more smoking, or he will die, because there are other blockages and he said they would see him again, if things weren't changed, but next time he would not be so lucky. I have had about three hours sleep and later I will go back to the hospital and visit. Life is so strange, I love this man and he has hurt me, I am not sure how I should feel at this point. I know last night there was a moment when the cigarette smoking thought popped in my head, but I thought now how stupid is that and go on liar, there will never be an excuse to smoke, not sorrow, not any reason...Please say a prayer for him today to those of you that pray and a prayer for me to help me through the stress and sorrow...

I wish both you and your friend the very best and I'm proud of you for not smoking.

I didn't really want to quit. I had some chest pains and went to urgent care one night. It turned out to be nothing but the doctor got on my case about the smoking. During a physical exam a few days later, I was told that I did not have emphysema but that they had put people on the O2 bottle as young as 50. I was 46 at the time. For me, that was the final wake up call to quit before it was too late.

I hope your friend quits as well.
oh my goodness what a night...but how great that you didn't smoke! So prooud of you for that willpower. I am so sorry for your boyfriends will make this...just remember to take care of yourself too:) hugs:)
thanks Jan!
Oh Cindy I am so sorry but thank God you recognized what was happening. He is soooooo young wow that is certainly an eye opener! YOU KNOW I will be praying hon.
Hugs and love,
Wow!!!! I am not a religous person Cindy but my thoughts and love are being sent to you and your friend - take care - and even though I do not believe I know from people like my Mom how much faith can help so please let your God take some of your stress and do not take false comfort in nicotine - keep blogging here if you need support we will be there!

Cindy my prayer are with you i know thing are hard to cope with now but always remember GOD is with you all the way. and will guide you all the way .and please stay smoke free .
Behind every good man there's a good woman. YOU are the good woman and smart for not giving in to another rough time of smoking. God bless!

Boy, that is a crappy night for you. I join with everyone in hoping your guy recovers quickly. On the smoking deal, it sounds like you are a confirmed ex-smoker the way you dismissed the thought of smoking, even under extreme duress last night. So, even in the middle of a bad day, you should stop for a moment and have a little celebration about that. That's a pretty big victory and nothing wrong with something to feel good about, even when dealing with adversity.

BTW, as your guy gets back on his feet, this is sure going to change the dynamic over your qutting and his resentment of that, huh? Hard to predict how all that will play out. You can be a huge resource for him if uses the wake-up call to decide to quit.
true, but we will see how he deals with this in the light of day without the drugs!
I dunno. I think a ;pt of guys, when faced with a heart attack at age 45 would probably bite the bullet and quit smoking, even if they had to gut it out on nothing but sheer determination -- which is better than not quitting, but a mighty tough way to quit.

They probably won't let him do nicotine patches or gum (really bad for the heart), so maybe the best thing you could do is just point him to Allen Carr and and let him figure it out. He might be very receptive to the whyquit stuff while he's recuperating.
Good luck and God bless you Cindy. Men can be very stubborn, my SO had open heart surgery about 12 years ago, seizures and strokes from alcohol and is still smoking. Go figure. It is a tough addiction. I hope your guy won't be as stubborn, but if he is there is not much you can do about it, nagging doesn't work. Take care of you. He's lucky he still has you.
Way to go Cindy, cuz that... my smoker friend would have been the best excuse to go buy a pack! Be proud of yourself. As for the relationship...don't stay with someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them. Life is very short, and there are a million great guys out there. Don't settle.
Cindy, what a trooper you are! You certainly came through for your friend, and you didn't sacrifice your quit in the face of all that stress. A gold star for you, girl! I will certainly pray for your friend and for you, that you both find what you need to get through this.
thank you everyone for your support. I have been at the hospital all afternnon and evening and he is doing some better, though still in intensive care. He was picking when they let him have a little food, he looked at me and said where is my cigarette, I just smiled and said in the trash. He said you threw away my cigarettes; smile sweetly, yes I did and you will not smoke another single one in this lifetime:)
Cindy, you are someone that continually amazes me. You have WAY more strength then you thought you have enough strength for several people.
It has to be a very confusing time for you now...but I always go by that saying "all things happen for a reason". Perhaps is was just a WAKE up call for your SO in many ways.
I know you have a lot to think about of what you want to do with your relationship. If you truly love him, sounds like he is going to need a GOOD WOMAN to take care of him for awhile..........That could be his mother....or it could be you.
I know whatever decision you make it will be thought out and not made in a rush...........and at least you have told him where those smoke are!!!!!!!
You take care of yourself sweet lady and do not get run down over all of this.........I admire you, greatly!
WTG girl! you tell him!
Oh my Gosh, Cindy, I was so shocked to read this. I'm so glad you were there for your friend when he was having the heart attack, and that you recognized it as such. You are one tough lady, and I give you a huge amount of credit for not smoking!! Who knows this could be a huge turning point in his life, and he may realize just what he was going to give up, you!! I'm saying prayers for him and for you. And........I hope you don't get too rundown with all the trips to the hospital. I pray for the best for both of you, and I hope both of you can work things out.
Wow how scary! I sure hope he is ok, and you also. I will say a prayer for you both! And good for you for not grabbing a cig. God Bless
GEEZ - - I can't believe I missed this blog.....SORRY !!! How is your SO doing ?? I would just wait and see how things say you love him...that almost always gives us an excuse to forgive someone that has dumped on us !! What if he changes...and quits smoking...and wants to start eating right...will you tell him he can stay ??? for thought !!!

In the meantime, I ask the Powers that Be to watch over you and your SO...keep giving you the strength you need.....and call all party animals to your QUITTER, you !!!! This is one of the BIGGEST tests you could ever have gone through...and you came thru with flying colors....remember this !!!!
thanks Carlie, I have thought of all those things and I think that the Lord provides those answers if we pay attention. I think he will come to his own conclusions about our relationship, the sad thing is we are really good friends or at least I thought we were until he pulled that mess, instead of talking to me, then the day this happened he started talking about our relationship and that he really did not want to leave, maybe because I acted as though it was no big deal and that I would go on with my life. I had started talking about dating and moving, maybe he realized I would not lie down and die if he was no longer here or maybe he knew he was sick on some level, but right now I am just waiting and seeing what happens, though if it is meant to be it will and if not well, then I will be fine..I realized that night that I really would not smoke. I was under serious stress and there were cigarettes and a lighter right in front of me and not a soul around, but I chose no, not for any reason and it would change nothing, but make me feel bad about myself..
My husband had his first heart bypass at 44- 20 years in November. He refuses to follow the Drs. advice
about smoking or watching his intake. He had a heart attack and two stints first. They told him 3 years
ago, his next HA would be massive and he had two minutes to get to the hospital. But God has been
gracious and even tho the Drs. said outside his room (teaching hospital) "that he wouldn't live to be an old
man and there was nothing God or any man could do about it". He celebrated his 64th birthday this month.
I wrote this to say, no matter what you can't make a person change. It has to be a personal decision,
coming from deep within them. So remember if he goes back to eating wrong or smoking you are not
responsible. You can only control your actions. I know for I quit smoking for 6 months and he sat on
the porch and puffed away. So don't blame yourself if he doesn't get it. I hope this is a wake up call,
for he can have many good years. I believe that hubby's faith, and God's love is responsible for me
still having him. For years I tried to force the good eating and the stop smoking down his throat, and it
just made him more determined I think! Gad-he is a stubborn man. Still does all the yard work, mows
a yard (free) for a 89 year old member in our church. Laid tile and paints and fixes up the church during
the winter ( retired construction worker) and plays golf in the summer. A work-alcoholic ,
I wish your friend and you the best of everything. I just want you to realize that no matter what
you are responsible only for your actions. God bless you and I am proud of your endurance and stammia,
in what I know is a very stressful situation. I will pray for you both..
Cindy, my friend, I just read this and ugh, I'm with you! He would have been gone by now if you hadn't been caring about him - you are a bonafide angel. You can't smoke - God needs you here to be useful for the rest of us!
thank you
Hi Cindy thanks for stopping by my page! I am so happy that my counter finally says 1 year i couldn't wait for that box to be filled. I am grateful to everyone who supported me on this site and insight on triggers and such!
In this year my husband also has become a non smoker which is great not to have that old musty smell following us around! He also was in the hospital with intestinal disorder and they removed some cancer. Fortunately, it didn't spread and he is doing great. He has, i think realized that smoking wasn't helping his condition and now is smoke free for the past 2 months! I pray for your friend to have the strength to realize smoking doesn't solve any problems and together you can do great things!!!
God Bless you both!!!!
About the Author
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP - they leave a legacy of their quit journeys behind as road maps for future members, to prevent the pitfalls, provide the tools and show the hope and possibilities for success at overcoming this addiction at any age at any stage. I quit after nearly dying from trying to smoke. I started when I was 14, I quit while I was pregnant and then when I had my spine fused with a cage. They wouldn't do the surgery unless I quit. I did for almost two years and then on that wrong day, I reached for a puff. Guess what? it has been almost 10 years since then. This last mess I went through, scared me enought to stop and I want to stay that way. I am in my early 50's, have 5 kids and 6 grands that I want to be around for. I love to cook and I was a professional cook. . I have COPD, pleurosy, asthma, chronic sinusitis,reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and God knows what else, from guess what? Smoking right. I made up my mind no matter what I'm through with my abusive ex, Mr. Smoke, he always was a liar and he has no power over me now..... I also realized that I did not create me and I do not have the right to destroy what I did not create. I think you could say I was stubborn about my smoking, nothing anyone said would make me stop. I used every junkie lie in the book, but here is the reality of my life everyday , not what I wanted for my life, how about you?