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Share your quitting journey

The Ride Continues

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I have achieved day 300!!!!!!!!!!!!  I almost can't believe it and have to pinch myself.  Now, day 365 will be the really BIG one for me.

My eldest daughter quit 45 days ago and I can only hope it's because of my influence.  Who knows, but I'd like to think so anyway.

So, here's my latest news ... some good, some not so good.

Yesterday, we had a "reveal" party for youngest (Jessica) pregnant daughter.  She had the doctors share the sex of the baby with me and her sister about a month ago requesting that we keep it a secret until this meet and greet of all both families.  So, Melissa (my eldest) got a jack in the box and put little girl clothes on it to signify that she' having a little girl.  At halftime yesterday, everyone gathered around to watch Jessica and Sean (her husband to be) turn the crank until the jack in the box popped open.  It was SO MUCH FUN to see the sheer surprise and excitement on their faces.  Truly a memorable moment.  We all cried ... The new addition to the family will be named Victoria June ... She'll call her Tory and June is for respect of her paternal grandmother who passed away a year after Jessica was born.  What a lovely, fitting tribute.

Bad news ... I've lost my job.  After almost 9 years I have been a victim of downsizing and my last day is 11/30.  I'm too young to retire and the job market is dire, so with that in mind, I am asking all of you to please send up two (2) prayers ... one for my daughter and her little one who arrives around March 26, 2016 and one for me that I may find a lucrative job quickly that I will love.

Isn't it something how life gives you ups and downs.  Great joys, great sorrows, great expectations, and great pitfalls.  It's all what you make it and I prefer to be POSITIVE than negative.  I am joyful and distressed at the same time ... ying and yang.

Stay the course my friends!!

18 Comentarios

Life is always going to be unpredictable.  That's what makes it worth living, no?  But - in the end - it's how we respond to the challenges that's important.  Aren't you glad you aren't smoking over it???

I am sorry you lost your job.....while the media touts that the employment is just peachy - I think we are seeing differently in real life. 

Congratulations on the impending arrival of your grandbaby girl.  You are very blessed!

Congratulations on 300 days, as well! 

How 'bout 'dem Ravens, hon?  (O  M  G!)



Congratulations on 300 and the new Baby


You got it.

What other type of career might appeal to you?


No matter what!  You will survive.  I know it.  Congrats on  300 days and the new arrival both the baby and that wonderful job that you have always wanted.  Don't be discouraged after working for a total 48 years in my life my best job was the one that I gained when I was 56 years old.  Sometimes age and experience helps.  You are a winner in my book.


Wonderful job on 300 days!  So sorry about the job loss - I have been there and it is not a fun place to be.  Everything worked out for me and I am sure that it will work out for you also.  Congrats on the new baby!


Sweet and sour sauce, indeed.  May the sour get sweeter and the sweet continue on.  Tory is such a great name.  Really sorry about your job.  It's a scary time.  Keep your chin up and your wits about you.  This new road might just open new and exciting doors. Will say prayers. 

Here's to your......


Great job on 300 days and what a surprise of a baby Grand daughter and  a lovely name! Sorry about the job loss, but i'm sure you will find something soon! especislly since you have a few days to look!


Everything happens for a reason.  Easy for me to say I know, but I do believe it.  There is something else waiting around the corner for you.  Congrats on the grandbaby and big HAPPY DANCE for your very strong quit at 300 days.  You are amazing.  CP


wow impressive, congrats diane.


Congratulations on your awesome 300 precious smoke free days and counting WTG. 


It is funny with all this new medical technology we still want the surprise that has been taken away . My grandson and his wife had a party and they had given the sex of the baby to my daughter in a sealed envelope from te doctor  she then brought it to the baker who baked the cake, the cake inside would be blue for a boy or pink for a girl I got to watch the video when the cake was cut ...... a Boy ! it was a great video to watch they were so happy and now little Thomas Seth is 15 months old (My youngest great grandson ! )


Sorry I hit post to fast !

Congrats on your big 300 days Diane I am right behind you with 280 + ( I have to check )

We are getting close to that 6% club !


Congratulations, Diane on your 300 days!  You are so close to one year.  I hope you have thought of a serious reward for yourself.  Try not to worry too much about finding another job.  You have the right attitude.  Being positive is everything!  Sending my prayers up for you, your daughter and your granddaughter!


A big congratulations on 300 days of freedom from smoking.



If any of you are on FB, join me here:

I know I'm on there much more than here and with the job change, it would be nice to keep in touch more!  We have so much in common with this quit and I am truly grateful that I foudn this website and each and every one of you.

Professionally, I'm also on linkedin, so if we touch base through FB, I'll provide you with that info too!

The search if on!!

God Bless everyone and thank you for your support and being my coach/friend!! 


If any of you are on FB, join me here:

I know I'm on there much more than here and with the job change, it would be nice to keep in touch more!  We have so much in common with this quit and I am truly grateful that I foudn this website and each and every one of you.

Professionally, I'm also on linkedin, so if we touch base through FB, I'll provide you with that info too!

The search if on!!

God Bless everyone and thank you for your support and being my coach/friend!! 


Congratulations, my friend, on the big 300 -- we're marching toward the 6% Club, aren't we?? 

So VERY sorry about your job loss.  I can certainly relate. Hang in there and we'll both find something better soon.  Oh, and I just looked for you on Linked In, but didn't find you!
