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Share your quitting journey

The Quitting Game

17 17 484

What if I told you you could play a game with yourself where you proved you didn't need to smoke just because you thought you did?

What if I told you that there was absolutely no stress or denial of smoking in this game? That you could smoke whenever you want with no daily quotas or limits, no counting, and, no pressure whatsoever to quit?

What if I told you you would realize you were ready to stop smoking and enter into quitting without negativity or apprehension? That you don't even have to set a quit date until you are ready to get started? 

Does it sound too good to be true?
Then try it! I dare you!

It's a simple game. There is only one thing you have to do.

Whenever you think of smoking say to yourself, "I'll wait a little bit longer." There is no denial, remember? The idea is to get yourself to stop and think each time BEFORE  you smoke.

That's it. That's all you have to do, then, watch the results.

Etiquetas (1)
17 Comentarios

I can testify that the mind IS in charge of our addiction.  I had occasion when I was smoking to take a trip when I knew I wouldn't be able to smoke for 6 1/2 hours ---- and I was FINE the entire time.  I wondered at the time how it was possible?!  I accepted the fact that I wasn't going to be able to smoke

I understand now.  It really IS all in our minds!



EXcellent blog and 100 % true! 

I already play the waiting game! It does work!!!

Thanks Dale, I used it! It does work! Try it folks! What do you have to lose?

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


I limit my smoking in this way...though it might make cigarettes feel a little more precious.  Using Allen Carr's Easy way for my FOURTH AND FINAL FOREVER QUIT THIS WEEK!!!!  I can't wait to be finished.  I like your seems like this would demonstrate that it is possible to manage your cravings!  I've probably kept my smoking to 3-4 cigarettes this relapse by self-inflicting this idea...and  I think it will help when my day comes Sunday!  Thanks for the post!


The thing about limiting to so many a day is the stress of running out of your alotment before your smoking day is over which then makes you focus on what you can't have.

Also, when you get down to 3 or 4 a day you have probably placed yourself in constant withdrawal.


In other words, living in the present is what eases the anticipation.


It's changing the routine to get you off autopilot before you quit. Once you actually start thinking before you smoke things begin to change automatically. You grow that until you realize you don't need to smoke just because you normally would have. Quitting smoking forever is about unlearning all the connections you made and replacing them with memories that don't include smoking. Then it's your allowing the time for that to happen.


Thank you for the clarification, this is one method that will help me a lot. It's amazing that a conscious mind can cease this addiction. It's interesting because this has given me more insight. One personal story that can help me quit is that I once smoked heavily before a family outing once. I thought I was alright until I got in the car; the buzz I felt off the nicotine actually triggered a panic attack and I had to go to the ER. At the time, I thought that I was dying from a heart attack caused by nicotine's effect of increasing heart rate and anxiety. I think important negative events such as this one should most definitely be held accountable before I think of the illusory "good times" I had even though they were accompanied by psychological and physical pain. Weird how nicotine made me feel like shit and "good" at the same time. However, I now realize that my body is telling me no even though my mind may tell me yes. With this said, I notice that my addiction is 100% psychological, and gives me the opportunity to work on my thoughts that induce cravings.


Once the nicotine is out of your system and the receptors have mostly normalized (to not expect nicotine) in a couple of months, it is all psychological. The nicotine is what makes us come back to smoke while we are still smokers but after that it's the memories and feelings connected to where you were, who you were with, or the mood you were in. It's all about making new memories that don't include smoking that distances you from it.                   




Terrie..Sounds to Me that You are trying to REASON WITH


will NEVER have a SUCCESSFUL QUIT as Long As...You reason

away the Hold that You ARE GIVING IT to have on You !! You


to Recondition Yourself to TRULY DESPISE what it is DOING TO



When was the last time you had a Pulmonary Function Test


The testing is What Has Opened My Eyes and Heart to BE AWARE

that I (personally was told by Dr) only have TWO YRS of


Smoking before I cannot walk A SINGLE STEP and have to


Sitting straight at that point there Is No Restful

Sleep Laying

Down !!!!!!! UGH 😬😨😭


Terrie_Quit marked Ryusong13's comment on The Quitting

Game as helpful.



"I limit my smoking in this way"

You aren't limiting how much you can smoke. there's no counting or keeping track.

You are simply thinking before you smoke. 


The Numbers you see in this Post are where I had placed Emoji's !! They are computer language for the emojicons, and are Completely Harmless !! Had I known this would happen when I was using my email account I would have used this website instead of email !!! Sorry for confusion my Friends !!! 

Being a Non Smoker is Awesome, however I admit IT IS ROUGH in the beginning !!! ARUGH !!!


That is Exactly how I got to the Point of Not to Wanting To Smoke...anymore !!! Plus the Taste is Disgusting TO ME !!! I AM DONE, OVER IT...DISGUSTED FOREVER !!!????!!!!!


I was in a similar situation but I was put in the hospital with a sickness related to smoking. Lol.  But I was there for about 4 days and no cigarettes and crazy me soon as I got out of the hospital not even out of the parking lot lot up a cigarette. So I went 3 days no problem at all. But soon as I got out I lot a cigarette. So Yea I believe we've got to change our thinking.  And talk ourselves out of going to smoke when ur wanting one. 


I agree I've been playing the game for a while.  I tried to quit last ur but I don't think I was that determined to quit like I am today.  But since I've been playing this game I can now smell people who smoke it's stinks.  I tell myself this is what people who don't smoke smell on me.  And it makes me won't to quit that much more.  I didn't realize I smelled like that. 

Acerca del autor
Hello, My name is Dale. I was quit 18 months before joining this site and had participated on another site during that time. I learned a lot there and brought it with me. I joined this site the first week of August 2008. I didn't pressure myself to quit. HOW I QUIT I didn't count, I didn't deny myself to get started. When I considered quitting (at a friends request to influence his brother to quit), I simply told myself to wait a little longer. No denial, nothing painful. After 4 weeks I was down to 5 cigarettes from a pack a day. The strength came from proving to myself, I didn't need to smoke because I normally would have smoked. Simple yes? I bought the patch. I forgot to put one on on the 4th day. I needed it the next day but the following week I forgot two days in a row I put one in my wallet with a promise to myself that I would slap it on and wait an hour rather than smoke. It rode in my wallet my first year.There's nothing keeping any of you from doing this. It doesn't cost a dime. This is about unlearning something you've done for a long time. The nicotine isn't the hard part. Disconnecting from the psychological pull, the memories and connected emotions is. :-) Time is the healer.