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Share your quitting journey

The Most Precious Gift

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~~What you focus on grows.~~  Unknown

Be gentle on yourself, quitters.  Remind yourself that you can do this.  Remind yourself that you deserve this.  You aren't a 'failure' and you aren't 'stupid' and you aren't a 'loser'.

You, dear quitter, are precious.  When you were born, you brought something into the world that was never here before and never will be again.  Truly.  You made someone's day with a compliment you gave them and you brought comfort to someone with your words.  You may have brought life into the world or you may have brought life to someone who was lost.  Whatever your talents or skills or abilities, you are SO worth quitting smoking!!

Remember that when you have moments of doubting your quit.  In fact, every time you have those negative thoughts, bring yourself back to the realization that you are giving yourself a gift that no one else has the ability to give you.  How powerful is that?!  And how wonderful it is to know that you think enough of yourself to be doing this!!  

You may have hard times in the beginning.  It's ok because it does get easier as you go.  Don't give up and don't give in.  What you focus on grows, so grow positive thoughts, grow personal growth, grow your quit into something so strong that nothing life throws at you will break you down into a smoker again.  

I'll have 11 years quit in a little over two months and I still marvel at it.  But everyone starts the same.  Day 1.  You can't get around it.  So grow it.  Nurture it.  Love it.  Live it.  And it will grow.

I hope this helps at least one.  And then that one write something that helps another.  That's why this site works so very well.

Peace to all,




SO good to see you!  Better still to read something wonderful, as always, that you wrote for us.

I am thankful when you have a moment to join in and remind us that we are WORTH freedom from addiction!




@SimplySheri   Thank you for sharing and stopping by.  Your positivity is needed here.  Congratulations on your almost 11 year quit.  I do not regret quitting the nicotine.  I have had some not-so-positive days when the quit didn't feel good, but I kept going and continued not to smoke.  No doubt, I did the right thing, by no longer feeding this addiction.  Take care and may God bless you.


It's wonderful to see you Sheri, thank you for sharing this uplifting inspiring post it's much appreciated life really does get easier and easier with time under our belt! You're heading for 11 splendiferous years of Freedom and I'm headed for 10 years and I also I still smile at each and every day WON YAY for each and every one of us for giving ourselves the Gift of LIFE! Huge hug from me to you @SimplySheri 


@YoungAtHeart So good to see you, too, Nancy!!  You are always a joy to me😊  Hope you are well and enjoying life!!  


@biscuit9 ,  I still remember my less than positive days.  I was a serial quitter for a while as well.  But I've had so many more good days than bad (or maybe I just don't remember the bad ones as much), and the ease I have now at doing something other than smoke is a gift I cherish daily.  Hoping that you have more good days than bad and that your health, your strength, and your courage keep you moving forward.  Thank you for your kind words!!  Sheri


@MarilynH, I just so love your energy and enthusiasm for everything in life!!  You totally make me smile every time I'm here😊.  I will definitely be here to celebrate your 10 splendid years with you!  Happy Friday, my friend.




 dear friend @SimplySheri 

So good to read love note from you 

Thanks for sharing and giving me HOPE  today Saturday March 30 I appreciate you dear one



drink your orange juice. 🙂