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Share your quitting journey

The Journey starts again..

3 11 175

I had my last sickarette on May 8th. My last quit attempt lasted 71 days. It really sucks that I am starting over, but I am doing it. It only took me 6 days to quit this time, so I am happy about that. I haven't been here much and know in part that is why I allowed myself to pick up the sickaretts, I do hope to start coming back on a more regular basis as life allows.




So glad you are back at it quickly.  It helps some to stay close to us - maybe do the daily pledge?

Do think about what thinking caused you to smoke, and make a plan NOW what you might do differently in the same circumstance this time.

Let's get it done this time!


So glad you quit again Tabbiekat and 8 days is great...but it is so true...for some reason coming here makes one feel more accountable...I am proud of you getting back in the quit so fast...NOPE be your new motto...Colleen 164 DOF 


As the previous quits and starts over the last 8 months I let my grief and ol'nic talk me into it. It was my first birthday in 14 years without my husband. I found out a new friend I met in November also shared my b-day, so she planned a joint b-day party, they smoke at their house, their was to be drinking and I was expected to go to her house and to get drunk. I had been to her house a few times and had no issue with the not smoking, but with the drinking and just flat out wanting to forget everything including not being at my house..I knew it was going to happen so I picked up a couple packs of the cheaper smokes before leaving town. I made the 3 hr drive without smoking, a few hours of helping get the house and food ready I was around smokers, but not smoking. My 3rd drink in I bummed one, then went out to my truck and started smoking the ones I bought. The first night I went through a pack as I got drunk, the next pack lasted 5 days, by May 8th - my husbands 1st b-day in heaven, I had finished off the pack and said no more and have been very fortunate that this quit has been rather easy. A couple times I thought about it, but just grabbed a breath mint and distracted myself.

So yeah I'm done. My dad's 2nd anniversary of his death is coming up in a few days. I made it through the entire month last year not smoking so I know I got this


Aww Tabbie, so sorry you have to start over.  But really glad you're jumping right back in!  Hope to see you around more often .


Glad you started over and have 8 days smoke free.

Days 30-130 are the most dangerous time in a quit. It's when I've seen most people go back.  


You go tabby!!


I've always had faith in you!!  I hope you also find faith in yourself...because then you will be unstoppable      

Good job at getting back on your quit!!  Big hugs to you!!!


Tabbie, congrats on you 8 days smoke free.   You're on your way for your forever quit.



Good luck on your journey!


Welcome and yahooooooo WAY TO GO! 


It doesn't suck at all that you're quitting again. It would suck if you stopped trying. And this is coming from a serial quitter (not the only one here) who never thought I'd get it done for good.


Day 151

About the Author
I quit smoking Oct 31st 2017. It was hard, I had rough moments, but even with my husband and roommate smoking I kept from smoking since I decided to do it for me. Aug 7th 2018 my husband quit smoking. September 18 my world was turned upside down as my husband died in front of me. February 19, 2019 I took a few tries after my husband passed, but I am no longer a smoker.