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Share your quitting journey

The Happy Quit

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Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity - successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something.  Soon it becomes a reality.  Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly and you will be amazed at the positive results!

 - William James  (January 11, 1842 – August 26, 1910)

Build FUN and Self Care into your Quit Plan! You are literally creating a New YOU so you get to decide what this person looks and acts like! As that Smoke Cloud lifts, let it reveal the you that you really wish to BE and become that person - One Day, One Hour, One Minute at a time! 

You get to/have to decide!

Another James - the Happy Quitter taught me that I CAN and I decided that I AM!


10 Comentarios

Thanks Thomas....that's the attitude that I want to adopt TODAY!


I couldnt agree more! The moment I changed my attitude, I found success! I tried to quit many times in the past and finally realised it was MY attitude that was stopping me from achieving success. I had to change the way I was thinking... I decided that I can quit, that I dont need cigarettes and that smoking had absolutely no benefits. I had to stop making exscuses and admit that they were just that, exscuses. Cigarettes didnt calm me, they in fact did the exact opposite... Exscuse! I dont need a cigarette, I wanted a cigarette... Exscuse! I was lying to myself and once I saw my addiction for what it was, an addiction, I quickly had no choice but to change my thinking which in turn changed my attitude. The right attitude makes all the difference. I have never felt so confident  and aware that my success depends on my choices. I will never smoke again. I wish I had known that I was the only obstacle to my own success. Change your attitude, change ur life!!


That's right Thomas but I like to call it Quittitude.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Thank you Thomas, this was EXactly the reminder I needed. My quit is great, it's the rest of me that I have neglected, time to work on the rest of ME.




My heart and soul are in thhis quit and my quititude is already showing!! Love it!! Thanks, Thomas!!              

Candy,  d50


Good one Thomas!!!


GOD has been too good to me for me to be around here sad, mad, fearful, worrying and the like. HE has saved my behind from detroying myself. I have GRATITUDE, I thank HIM therefore, I give it away. I wasted a lot years self-destructing, wanting to enjoy but always seeing myself getting closer to death. I don't know how long I'll be here, but for now on, I am living and enjoying my life.

Thank you Thomas for your concern and support, because of what you shared with me I have not smoked a cigerette since 1:30pm yesterday. I called for help this morning to stay away from the first cigerette and a friend talked me away from it. Just for today, I will not use cigerettes. I also gave myself a reward.


GOD has been too good to me for me to be around here sad, mad, fearful, worrying and the like. HE has saved my behind from detroying myself. I have GRATITUDE, I thank HIM therefore, I give it away. I wasted a lot years self-destructing, wanting to enjoy but always seeing myself getting closer to death. I don't know how long I'll be here, but for now on, I am living and enjoying my life.

Thank you Thomas for your concern and support, because of what you shared with me I have not smoked a cigerette since 1:30pm yesterday. I called for help this morning to stay away from the first cigerette and a friend talked me away from it. Just for today, I will not use cigerettes. I also gave myself a reward.


Great Quititude is the key !! As Gnu says, "you can't change anything, until you change your mind"


keep calm and carry on



Acerca del autor
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1