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Share your quitting journey

The Day I Quit Smoking... (fill in the blank plz)

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Would you please share with the group how you actually quit smoking that very first day.

You know, the hardest part is letting go, making that decision to quit...

but what did you do when you actually knew, this was the last smoke...

I smoked the last 12 in my pack at 11 pm and woke up not smoking, and just told myself I will never buy cigarettes again, and thats just how it started...

for me, there was no magical way of doing it - I just had to take the big jump and say OK ENOUGH ALREADY...

anyone else care to share how they "let go" plz



I spaced them out one an hour, then one every two hours and three hours. got down to my favoirte ones, with coffee, after eating, after sex,before bed and in the middle of the night.

I gave up all of them by pushing them way until i got to my favorite one at midnight, when i was down to one in the middle of the night, i just let it go, i figured that was pretty stupid to hang on to , and slept through the night.


aztec those were my favorites too. minus the middle of the night one. well unless i woke up for some other reason.

jo, i smoked my last one when i finshed reading allen carr, about 130 am went to bed and never smoked again. 246 or 7 days ago 🙂 I just DECIDED I was NOT going to smoke anymore NO MATTER WHAT! I decided that I was strong and cigarettes would not beat me!!! I am very stubborn and grumpy. I had to tell myself this alot during the beginning ...." I can damn well smoke if I want to!!!!!! BUT I DONT WANT TO!!!! I had to get grumpy with myself. LOL    

some people (wink wink) Laugh at their craves and I guess that also works. personally, (because im cranky) i would growl at my craves and they would run away scared. HEHEno seriously though, i did.



Nothing magical. I went throuh about a two week process of breaking the triggers and changing my smoking routine. My goal was to stop smoking by noon of my quit day. I have stated on here before that the day before I quit has been the worse day in this whole process. I was a nervous wreck. My quit day came, I was calm and relaxed. At around 11:30 I got myself a cup of coffee, lite my last cigar and I can not lie, I enjoyed the hell out of it and at 11:50am it was over. I made my decision that from that point forward no matter what I would not smoke again, even if it killed me. It has been 2 months today and I am still alive.

I have been quit for 2 Months, 5 hours, 52 minutes and 6 seconds (61 days). I have saved $778.65 by not smoking 796 cigars. I have saved 2 Days, 18 hours and 20 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 10/6/2011 11:50 AM


The day I quit, I woke up, wanted one.  Thought about how I could get one.  Then talked myself out of it for a brief period of time and came to this site.  I did that over and over again throughout my first few days.  And for almost two weeks, I did NOT go anywhere that sold cigarettes.  And when I did go out, I let people on this site know where I was going, the obstacles I would be facing regarding smoking, and listened very closely to the feedback.  This site is the reason I do NOT smoke today!


I remember building up to my quit really seriously for a few months, those last maybe 2 months, noticing everything bad about smoking, and making myself smell my hands, the nasty part of the addiction and focused on all the BAD about it.

Each time Id light one, looked at it in  a disgusting way and gettting mad at it, mad at what the addiction did to me...

I just kept doin that til I got til I really really had it..

you see, we are all kinda different but sorta the same...

you have to study for the test before you can pass it, so get prepared and read everything on this site and ask questions, prepare for WAR


Never really thought I could fully "Commit to Quit" but I wanted my wife to quit bugging me about my smoking. she has never smoked and can't understand why anyone would.

So... started the Chantix program. Actually read the directions- Take for 8 days and then stop smoking. so I did. On day 8  I woke up and didn't smoke. The first week was nightmarish. Waking around in circles talking to myself. Second week wasn't much better, but it did indeed get easier.

Here i am almost 4 months later. Finished the Chantix program and still not smoking. This is the longest i have gone without smoking since 1972 when I started. Damn!!

Gained almost 15 pounds, but who cares. I have lost half of that already since I'm no longer stuffing my pie hole.

Still on the lookout though because this addiction never sleeps or goes away.



I did it alot like you Jo, I smoked as usual up until bedtime and woke up not smoking. I knew from past experiences that if I allowed myself even one little puff it was all over and I kept telling myself that over and over. It worked because I knew it was the truth and I also knew that my addiction would try it's best to talk me into giving in. Armed with this knowledge I've made it for 600 and something days, one day at a time.


Yeah, I couldn't cut back, the more I cut back, the more I thought about smoking... It draws out my cravings... I just had to quit and get it over with,

Like jumping into the cold swimming pool 🙂


Hey Jo----good idea!

Well, actually I quit smoking on November 15, 2009. On November 14, 2009---I had no idea I was going to quit smoking. I did no plan, no steps, no tracking...I really was not pursuing quitting any more than any smoker does on any given day. Because ----let's face it----EVERYONE WHO SMOKES WANTS TO QUIT!!!! They may not admit it but they do.

So, November 15, I took a ride to see my sister who lives about 10 miles from me. Forgot my cigarettes at home (we all remember HOW ANNOY"ING that was....driving along, reach for a smoke---oh no!!! forgot them on the table!!!) Got to my sister's and toughed it out through the visit. My cigarettes were about $7.50 a pack at the time and I wasn't buying more. PLUS, in my sister's town---they didn 't sell my brand---I knew this from sad experience. 

From my sister's , I had to go grocery shopping---again, I just wasn't spending the money---I'd have that (NOW MUCH NEEDED) smoke when I got home. Hurried through grocery shopping and got home only to discover that the pack I had forgotten was empty! And I started thinking---it was now 4:00 in the afternoon. While I wasn't "happy" I wasn't dying and I thought...let's just see how far we can go with this. The rest---as they say---is history. 

I will say that I found this site and why in mid December when I was truly weakening. And, without  both of those places---I think I would NOT have made it. It is now two years for me and I am so happy. I only wish I could somehow convince every newbie that it's out there---you CAN do it. Believe me...I loved smoking and I missed it for a time when I quit. But I wouldn't go back for all the money in the world. And now, the only hard thing for me is to believe that I ever was once so stupid as to smoke for so long.

As I always tell every newbie who seems like they are wavering---no one EVER regrets quitting smoking----but many,many people regret not quitting.


The day I quit smoking was 12/1/11 I didn't have much choice. The  doctor said quit or die.  I wish I had know about this site a long time ago.  The doctor wouldn't have had to have told me to quit because I would already be there.


I did it the way Aztec described when I was pregnant. Almost exactly. 

This time i chose the date, took vacation time from my work. 

The night before was my birthday. The next morning I just did't smoke, I had found it's easier to go the whole day  if you don't have the first ones. 

Anyway, the only memorable part of it, was it was a Sunday, so when my boyfriend woke up...I picked a fight with him. And said there was no way I could quit if he was going to be so mean. lol. and now I can't even remember what the deal was..but anyway. I had some butts I had saved in an old cigarette box, I took one out and smoked it. It was sooo gross, the whole thing was just a culmination, I think I saved those butts on purpose. Anyway, then he went in the other room and I logged on here, and Guilia had just put up Lies the Nicodemon tells you, and it covered that very behaviour. so I realized what I had done. But I didnt' tell him till later, just cause you can't give in that easily even when you're wrong. lol.. So that butt was the last cigarette I smoked. 


LOL, PS yes Marcie I have to be grumpy to affectively clean the house. hee hee. But really this quit I just laughed at me, at how pathetic it was, and how crazy and stupid it is to smoke. Like you would your child when they are having a temper tantrum. 


I was diagnosed on March 14, 2010 and didn't want to "waste" my last cigs - I think I had 10 - so I split them up so many a day and even just one puff and put it out! I could get one cig to last 3 or 4 lights. By the time I actually ran out of sickerettes March 20, I was so ready to quit because I'd been in withdrawal for 6 days! Putting out that last cig was a total relief! Haven't had a single puff since!


i went to the doctor with another ear infection or cold or something.. my blood pressure had skyrocketed ... my doctor told me "have you ever tried 1=800=n0=butts?.. i was so frustrated  i told her not yet but i'll look into it....

so whne i got home i looked it up on my computer  becomeanex came up  i read some material... went to bed and in the morning was through with smoking....

i am still battleing my addiction but i have given it a serious effort... i been smoking 40 years ... and breaking the addiction 1 year  you do the math


I started my quit on 11/11/11 Vetrans Day i am on Chantix and have been smoke free for 19 days now.  I got a real shove from my oldest daughter and then a close friend lent me a great book on how to quit.  So as true to my nature I did not plan, I did not prepare a dang thing just dove right in on my quit day of 11/16/11 I just said that I am done and this is the end.  I have had ups and downs over the last few weeks but a support group is a great thing even if you think that you are way to tough to ever need one.  And yes I know that I am dead wrong on that one but have to be Macho LOL.  So quit day was a Friday went to bed had my last smoke at 9 PM and the pack was empty and that was it.  Friday was a very long day but I pulled on through.  If I can do this so can you, I am no better or worse that any other smoker I just reached a point where I was done.


You guys ROCK!

Thanks for sharing your quits with us...

I know they helped 🙂



@techguyed: Your quit is EXACTLY like mine, LOL. Started Chantix 11/11/11, last cigarette on 11/16/11. No preparation besides getting educated on the addiction. I reached that point where enough was enough. I "got it" and am tired of being enslaved by the addiction. I decided... screw that, I'm taking my life back! 😉


Well, better late than never.  Just found your blog…loved all the comments from everyone.  We are all exactly the same, but different.  I picked my quit date for the 100th (?!) time.  I knew I could make it thru 24 hours without a cig because I had done it so many times before.  So I just quit for that minute, that next hour, then the next hour, and made it thru the day.


The one thing I did different this time is ate some “humble pie” and came crawling back to this website and posted.  I also read Allen Carr for the first time.  I thought I knew all about addictions and I was too smart for this stuff.  HA! HA!  Laugh is on me!!!  This time around I find it exciting and adventurous to be smoke free and I am always learning something new about myself.


Thanks for the great topic!! 😛


I very bitterly smoked my last cigarette last night!  I was grumpier than my grumpy normal and I pretty much warned everyone to look out for today, because I was going to quit smoking!  Woke up at 4:30am, cranky....went and slapped on a patch.  Woke up at 7am and had a really ok day!  Although my threats probably scared everyone to death.....thankful for this site....and praying sisters and friends!  Fear losing the battle again.....will check out the Allen Carr book too......pretty cool bunch of folks here.  Awesome support!  Thanks!