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The Dangers of Pampas Grass & Other Stuff

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Pretty day, finally, so I go out to do yard work and almost immediately slice my left index finger on a blade of pampas grass. Ouch! Back inside feeling sorry for myself - bleeding and blogging. There are so many new Quitters that it seems like a real movement has been started by those hilarious Ex commercials. The lady making a daquiri at her desk just kills me. I had a city editor once who drank bourbon and coke all day long, so I can relate. 

I'm working on about 3 months quit and just returned from a trip to the beach with four other friends. When we started out there were 3 of us non-smokers and 2 smokers. While there, one of "us" went over to the other side, so it ended up 2 nons to 3 smokers. On the way back home the relapser and I had a chat (she started it because she wanted to know how I refrained from smoking so easily.) I shared the N.O.P.E. philosophy and a little of the Allen Carr philosophy re: being HAPPY about finding freedom from nicotine instead of going around feeling deprived. I told her it would take about 3 days to get clean. It was amazing how little she knew about the habit - and it is amazing how little I knew after 30 years of smoking and quitting and smoking again - until I came to this site and others and learned about the addiction from several different angles. 

That's my advice to you new Quitters especially you youngsters who may think Quitting is something you will eventually do but are not real serious about at this point. 

Quit and be HAPPY. Freedom is GOOD. Not One Puff EVER. 

Blood on the keyboard. Going for Bandage. Have a great week everyone.


I'm with you Maynell, once I started research I was actually mad how little I knew after smoking 25-30 years, and quitting upwards of 15 times.  Why don't they tell us about this stuff?  The information on and Allen Carr's book were like lightbulbs for me.  I'm also trying to share the word as much as possible. 

Nice blog! 


Hi May,

   Amen to that! Information is power. It is so much easier to walk through your day with a positive attitude. For me to quit I had to change my way of thinking. I sort of came over from the dark side, lol. Now I'm a glass half full kind of person.


I learned that stuff a few years ago by taking a quit smoking course from Patricia Allison.  She had one whole session on junkie talk.  It was fantastic.  It took a while for it all to soak in, but it definately helped!

So I had to search the net for Pampas grass - and the 2nd article was titled Beware of Pampas Grass! Ouch! I have a saga palm at my office that bites - never seen blood from it though!


Wow May! I love this!

I never really had an understanding of my addiction until the first day of my quit! That was the day I came here! I spent the whole day going to whyquit and reading about the addiction and how I was feeling and how I would feel as time went by. It was definitely a huge eye opener for me. The people here who guided me (you are one of them) are still here guiding others who arrive on this site.

This place truly is a Godsend and the people here are the Angels who make it all run so well!

May you really are an Angel from Montgomery!

Thanks for being here!



Hi, May. You really are strong. You are an inspiration! Thank you for your blogs, insight, humor, and understanding