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Share your quitting journey

The Before Bed Cigarette

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Ok, this is my first post, and not sure how I actually feel about this blogging thing yet but here goes.

What am I supposed to do to get rid of the before bed trigger? I have been quit for 13 days, am on the patch and even survived a saturday night at a bar with friends tonight.

At first it was the morning routing cigarette that was the hardest craving to get past, I think I've got that one down now. (replaced it with putting on my patch) (for now)

I used to go out into my garage, light up, and enjoy the peaceful sounds of my quiet culdesac. This my resting, relaxing, and reflecting on my day moment. A chance to think about what I did today and what I would do tomorrow, chill out and enjoy the cool night air. The perfect endcap to my day.

Since I quit I have no endcap, no way of finalizing my day, no action to say that's it, this is the last thing I do, now I go lay down and sleep. I've tried going and sitting in the garage and breathing deeply, didn't work. So now, I go lay down, and I don't go to sleep unitl 3 or 4 am. My brain won't shut off because it didn't have its normal shut down routine.

I need to figure this out, ASAP, this is the only time of day that I really think I might crack under the craving.

Any suggestions, please?

7 Comentarios

You need a new ritual. A cup of tea, perhaps?


its one of my hardest times also.... used to sit with my boyfriend and i go to bed before him and we have kind of drifted apart in that sense...and alot of other moments we shared while having a cig...its not easy but will all be worth it ...stay strong ....cup of decaf tea ...holding with both hands helps..just think how much better you feel not smoking that last cig before bed. good luck can do it....remember its your quit...embrace it...(that always helps me)


walk the dog. if no dog, walk anyway.


I had a smilar ritual only it was on my back porch.  I'd also get up middle of night to go out and smoke.  Sitting in the soft darkness listening to the sounds of the night creatures(lots of wildlife around here) and gazing at the night sky was relaxing.  I still do it and enjoy it w/o smoking.   I replaced lighting a cigarette with lighting a scented candle and enjoying the fragrance and the flickering light.  I also keep a stash of evil LOL chocolates and indulge in a couple before bed.  Not too many though or then you have another problem...*winks* 

I'm 6 months smoke free after 37 years of smoking.  Big congrats to you on 13 days quit.  Now make yourself some new rituals it can be fun! *smiles*


Congrats on 13 days! I love all of the above suggestions and I agree - a new ritual is needed. I know what you mean - I was so used to going out on my back porch with my dogs for that last smoke. So far, most nights I let them out into the fenced yard and stay inside until they come in....just not quite ready to stand out there. For me it actually has been okay becasue of how damn hot it has been!

I figure by the time fall comes - I'll be ready to enjoy that time outside again! Allen Carr explains that it isn't the cigarette we are missing - he says - "It is not the cigarette that is special; it is the occasion." However, it may take a while to enjoy the occasion without the cigarette.

When I quit drinking I had the "my brain won't shut down" thing going on. I started a new habit of reading in bed until I'm sleepy enough to fall asleep. I continue to do it and it works - most of the time.....


Thanks for the tips guys, gonna try having a cup of tea, and maybe the scented candle too.


I agree - you need to replace your old habit with a new one. Think about what you love to do. Romanticizing the 'last cigarette of the day' will not help you move forward. The last cig of the day was just as deadly as the first one and there is nothing peaceful and serene about that. Best wishes to you - let us know how you are doing.  😃