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Thank you all

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Today is day 4 and im still alive so thats good. just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words of encouragement. I have been checking in and reading all the blogs and have read Allen Carr's book and a few others several times but am still having a pretty hard time. I have moments of clarity and then long moments of doubt were the addict tries to pull me back in, but im fighting the good fight and will not faulter this time. Thanks again, I'll check in again soon.


The early days of a quit are like a roller coaster ride, with ups and downs and twists and turns!  Remember to DISTRACT yourself through any craves.  The better you get at that, the sooner you will learn to live your life as an ex-smoker. 

Hang tough!  It does get easier after the first 2-3 weeks for most!



Hello Tim,

I too struggle. For me, I have to remember why I decided this time to quit.

It does get easier, but after 3+ months, I can decide to wallow around in self-pity, seeing myself as deprived. That doesn't help. It takes a very disciplined mind to side-step that luxury! LOL

It is, however, worth it in the long run. Hang in there. It does become managable.




Hi, Tim! Congratulations on 4 days! The first week is hard. It will just get easier and easier! Hang in there! You are doing this!

Terrie  150  DOF


Hello my ex smoker friend.  You do not smoke and you have no desire to smoke!  You know it will kill you and you are way smarter than that!



Stay strong, hang tough, you've got this, the nicotine is now out of your system so keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and know that quitting smoking is the absolute best decision you will ever make in your lifetime. 



You have to be determined that no matter what you are not going to smoke.  The craves may come and the craves may go but smoking is not the cure.  Give it your best and you will succeed. Someimes you have to take it one day, one minute or even an hour at a time.  Tell yourself that you are a nonsmoker and no matter what you will not take one puff ever


Congrats on Day 4 are doing GREAT! It is early days yet so you can expect the rollercoaster ride to continue for awhile........just ride it thru...don't panic. the only "wrong" thing to do is smoke! HANG ON WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT and just trust that it does get better....much, much better-------I PROMISE!

Stay Strong.


OH---BTW-----TOTALLY CUTE DOG!!!!!  : )


You may want to read Freedom from Nicotine, the Journey Home. On

Have you tried Deep breathing, timing your urger, taking a bit out of lemon. As time goes by your doubts, and fears will decreased. 

Positive Attitude.

Forget the problems

About the Author
I am A U.S. Navy Veteran from Grand Rapids MI. Been a smoker most of my life. I quit with the help of this community before for almost 3 years. I relapsed and have been smoking full time again over the last year / year and a half. I have recommitted to being smoke free and my new quit date is February 3, 2020. This time it will be for good...