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Share your quitting journey

Thank You Dr.Sean Gilman

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My pulmonologist told me I could quit the last time I saw him. I saw him on January 6th.I asked him if he had any 3 and a half pack a day smokers quit. He said "No but I believe you can do this.” He was sincere and insistent.

I quit "by accident" on Feb 5th.A lot of things added up: a friend so sick I couldn't believe it, Visiting a healing service in late January and praying for the desire to quit were two big factors.

I really hope Dr.G jumps up and down like the old Toyota commercial when I see him today but I will accept a warm "congratulations.” and I am very grateful to him for those sincere words of his.

Does anyone else have a Doc that helped them decide to quit or a caring person?

Moe Unfiltered



this blog was reposted due to spamming on the EX board

permission was recieved to print  the Doc's actual name:so it has been edited from the original post


Moe, Great job. That is the first time I read your story.  70 a day, wow.  But you kick that habits butt.  Fantastic!  You are proof anyone can quit.  You should go national.  You are my new hero.  I bet your life is really different these days.  I know mine is and I only gave up a pack a day habit.  Your body is really breathing a sigh of relief. 


My primary care doc who treats my asthma and allergies convinced me to try Chantix and quit.  I had many concerns regarding the drug and the reported side effects and the doctor explained in detail how the medication works and if I did expereince side effects I could simply stop the med.  Understanding everything relieved alot of my fears and worry over quitting.

  What an inspiring story and WTG MOE!


Several doctors over the years have suggested to me to quit smoking. Of course, I ignored them. (And we wonder why no smokers will listen to us when we talk about quitting.)

I wish I had quit many years ago but I know I will have to settle for my 337 smoke-free days. 


Hi Moe

Glad to see YOu!

My doc told me to quit for ten years. I son't know what I thot keeping it up, I wasn't educated enough.

Over a year ago she told me if I kept it up I would get copd or emphysema, my lungs had had a crackling sound for quite some time.

I finally listened and called the quit line, I dound a counselor and here I am today over 400 days and finally exercising the weight I gained off.  I gained 20+ lbs. the exercise makes me feel real good, gettin ghigh on the endorphins instead of the dopamine. It's alot better, than searching for that dopamine high with each cigarette and killin gmyself slowly and makin gmy family cry if I got a lung disease or some other thing.

Hope to see you around.



I would say 2 people, that I've actually met, have inspired me to quit before.  I worked with both of them.  It seems a lot easier to quit when you have someone who wants you to quit.  Just my opinion on that.


Man, 3 1/2 packs a day????!!!!!  It would take me smoking 5 at a time to get that done.  When did you have time to eat and shower and stuff like that?  Imagine  someone holding the cigarette above the shower head, lol.


I too smoked unfiltered cigarettes (Camels).  Expensive too.  Cheapest pack here is $5.


Moe’s Update

I got see Doctor Gilman this afternoon. I finally got to tell him. I have been wanting to tell him I quit since March. When I made it through March and stayed quit through my Aunt passing and my cat attacking me. I knew I had both feet in. I have been waiting for this day.

He said “is this a rumor I hear that you quit?” I said “who told?”I got to tell him it’s 129 days. When we got to his office he wanted to know how I had done it. I explained about my sick friend, the healing service in January where I asked for the desire to quit, The Mad Russian the 4.5 days I spent with two patches on and chewing the gum and I told him how much become an EX had helped (he told me about it back in January) and I told him about the quit groups I have been attending at another hospital. I am so happy that someone wants all these details. He seemed so genuinely happy for me. How many days in your life does someone get so happy for you just because you want to be healthy?


 He did he really did!!!!. I asked him if he would jump up and down like the Toyota commercial because I am quit and he really did...

Thank you Greg sheri, gemini, A-head, Aztec and jhb232.It is such a great thing to have people to share good news with who know where you are coming from!!!!!

Not one Puff No matter What!!!!Moe Unfiltered


Congrats on 129 days! Thank you so much for sharing your story!


He jumped up and down for you? What an awesome, caring doctor!

Congrats Moe!