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Thank God I am free.

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I am at peace but today was one of those days if I was a smoker I would have smoked a lot.  Funny after all that has taken place today I did not think about smoking at all.  My day started off as usual with the Ex and coffee then off to exercise class.  Returned home did a few things on line.   Dropped by my sister’s house found her sick in bed. In excruciating pain. That is when the day became hectic running errands for her, answering calls from home care for assistance.  She was in so much pain she could not talk.  She had called Rescue because she had fallen ( a second time this week)  In the meantime  I am going back and forth to my house to keep a check on my dad.  Running errands for my dinner which I haven’t prepared yet.  Ended up at the hospital with family to support my son in law who is having surgery.     At the end of this day on my way home, I thought I haven’t had a desire for a cigarette or thought about one.  I did notice while doing errands that I have an automatic breathing exercise that comes into play when things get hectic.  It has replaced puffing a stinky.  That is why today I am saying.  “I am free.”  446 Days of freedom.  Hallelujah.  


Smoke Free is the only way to be, yea, yea, yea! Congrats on 446 DOF.


Sounds like a really tough day.  But you got through it.  And all without the thought of a cigarette.  You are most definitely Free!  Glad of it.


Congrats on 446 days. Take care of yourself too : )


Congratulations on 446 days of freedom. As busy as your day was you probably would'nt have had time for a cigarette anyway. Great job.



(((((Huge cyber hugs for you Jackie)))))--(((((congrats on 447 DOF)))))- and counting WTG my friend and fellow Exer, I really hope today is a much better day for you. ♡


You are a strong woman with a strong quit, Jackie! Of course, you made it trough! Sorry, it was such a rough and busy day! Hope today you can stop and smell the roses~!  "the automatic breathing exercise that comes into play" is a good deal, I like it! Forward you go!

Congratulations on 447 days free!


I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Wonderful job of taking care of your family. Just think how you wouldn't be able to do that as efficiently if you were stopping to smoke every 20 or 30 minutes, to say nothing of the added stress from smoking. On days like this one, when there isn't enough time to get everything done, it would be even worse if you wasted your time smoking.. Congrats on getting through your stressful days smoke-free! Isn't it great how we can get through the day without that desire to light up anymore?


What an amazing job you did, I am so happy for you Lady Jackie, so happy for your family as well, they are very lucky to have you!



Boy What a day ! I hope your sister is okay, did she break any bones ? I know what you mean about the breathing rather then the smoking. I use that to reilieve stress too and it works !

Sometimes I even wonder if ppl like the feeling of the deep breath in and the exhale when smoking and that is how the addiction begins  . Well we have  learned to take the nice deep breaths and relaxing exhale  without the killing  smoke  !

I hope tomorrow is a nice relaxing day for you Jackie

About the Author
Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.