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Share your quitting journey

Testing the waters

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Hey everyone, so far I'm 11 days quit.  Using the patch and this is not my first time on this Merry-go-Round.  I think that mostly things are decent right now.  The irritability is a bit of a downer.  Kinda want to hole up in my house ALONE, which is a problem since I have 2 kids, a dog, and a husband who smokes.  Just keep reminding myself that this too shall pass.  I've been sucessful for up to 9 months on several occassions and my goal is to make it to one year, broken down into one month at a time.  I can't look at "Forever" it overwhelms me - although that is my true hope. 

I have so many reasons to stay quit - I just can't listen to that self-destructive voice in my head when I'm out with friends or angry.  Those have always been my downfall in the past.  It's a little ironic but I've been hiding my smoking for years from certain people, there is shame for me smoking.  Looking for some supportive voices and practical advice on here.  Non-smokers don't get how freaking hard it is to quit and current smokers are not going to be my chosen source of support at the moment - I can see some people on here are still smoking but if I don't have to smell you I'm good with whatever support you want to offer 🙂 Hoping to find some like minded people to journey through with!


Welcome to our community, you have made up your mind that you want to quit smoking. That's great!

Many ex member will come to greet ya to this community and some will give you links to goto and read information.

Unfortunately even while you are using patches you are still getting some nicotine in your system. So go and read some of the links and find out what nicotine does to your body, your mind, and your moods.

You might be pleasently surprised that many people here have been smoke free for a long time. The real thing about cigarettes is that it is an addiction to nicotine and even after you stop using you have to change your mind as to why you smoked, like relearn life without. You will be happy also to learn most of us feel so much better now and enjoy the freedom from the drug.

When I stopped smoking I found that Allen Carrs book Easy Way to Stop Smoking helped me to understand that smoking is really an allusion and I stopped smoking.

When you stop smoking there is no requirment that says you have to be grumpy LOL. Some people do, but some people look at this as a journey and are happy!

I am one of those who are trully happy and hope you will be too.


Oh yes and Congrats on your 11 day quit.


Congratulations on 11 days.

The following link contains what I wish had been presented when I quit.


congrats on your 11 days and welcome too our community, i also have tried too quit so many times i have lost count as of today i have 135 smoke free days. i have had close too a two year quit and convinced my self that i could controll it needless too say i failed again. This site had done wonders for me the support is always there,stay close read everything you can any questions please ask.


Welcome to our community!

Congratulations on our decision to quit and the 11 days under your belt.  You are almost through H#ll and Heck Weeks! 

The most important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version of it:


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might visit and for the good information contained there.

The idea is to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take slow, deep breaths, go for a walk, play a computer game, do a crossword, bite into a lemon (yup, rind and all).   Here is a link to a list of 100 things to do instead of smoke if you need fresh ideas:


The conversation in your head CANNOT be:  "I want a cigarette.  No!  But - I WANT a cigarette!”


Instead, it needs to be "I want a cigarette.  Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it!


Stay close to us here; ask questions as you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way.




Welcome. Just take it one day at a time and ask for help whenever you need it.

Larry the Caravan Master


Welcome to the group!  This is the absolute best place for support and encouragement!  You are correct - non-smokers don't really understand - and current smokers secretly want you to fail because they are threatened by you.  I have made it 144 days - taking it one day at a time - and you can make it too!  Get your head in the right place and work daily to keep it there!  Best wishes!


PS - Congrats on 11 days!


11 days is great~ keep on with the good quittitude and you will go places.  Not much to smell on this site so no need to worry about that.  I do hope that the husband and children are supporting your decision and tell the dog he must stop smoking now!

Education is key to the whole process so all of the above information is a must read.  Stick close to this site and learn, read, blog, laugh, cry, throw a tantrum, whatever, we do it all here.  You have made a life changing decision and we are here to support you in any way that we can.



I am new to this too.  It is hard, but I keep sucking on peppermint lifesavers.  It helps.  I dring lots of water too.  Today has been a hard one.  I don't know why.  I had my last smoke on 9/11 and haven't touched one since and I was not climbing the walls like today.  Good luck to you.  I hope we can both lick this thing once and for all.


WELCOME! This is very doable so don't you fear to make your goal FOREVER! We will help you every step of the way. Reach out if you need help and you will always find someone here to support you.

Stay strong.


It is so very doable.  Just commit not to smoke one hour, one day at a time until it becomes for you not smoking one day, one week at a time and then eventually one week, one month at a time.  Take smoking as an option totally off the table as a choice available to you -- do something instead to let the moment(s) pass.  They will become weaker & less frequent eventually if you stay smoke free. 

I do NOT recommend that you "tell yourself" that your smoke free goal is one year "this time". You are giving yourself permission to "think" that you can smoke after you reach your one year smoke free milestone.  Your goal is to remain smoke free, taking it one day at a time, for the rest of your life.  The wonderful thing is that with more smoke free time (and it is different for each of us) you will reach the point where it no longer matters how much time has passed because you no longer want to smoke.  You CAN get there too!  Patty d811 


How awesome to see all the comments.  I'm not entirely sure how this site works yet but can tell it will be a lifesaver.  With all this wisdom and support I surely can't go wrong 🙂 Thanks for being there!