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Share your quitting journey


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I have sure missed EX!  We've been hosting visitors / family from Berlin for the last 10 days. These are family we haven't seen in 9 years or so, so it was fabulous. They are also about 20 years younger than my husband and me, so we completely wore ourselves out trying to make sure they had a wonderful time. My body is a quivering mess, and I'm completely exhausted. 

I had so many triggers over the past 10 days. Major stress, exhaustion, coffee (hadn't had coffee since the quit day, but I had to find a way to keep going!), and alcohol (up late every night, catching up over bottles of wine). Smoking popped into my head more than has been usual, and I did feel tested, but I wasn't overwhelmed by it.  

My daughter's senior prom was Saturday, so there was that, too. High emotion and tears, which felt like another test. (She was beautiful. Took my breath away!)

But here I am. I'm okay. I'm smoke-free. My quit date was Feb. 27, so I guess I just passed a two-month mark!

I wanted to check in with EX several evenings, but the sad truth is that, the minute we took our guests back to their hotel, I literally fell into bed. I had to catch every wink I could!

I hope all of you are doing well and staying strong!
