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Share your quitting journey


3 28 310   First day as been real hard, so I've been tapping a whole lot to get rid of the crave/feeling! Tapping works well for any feelings that come up! Here is the link of the video I use, but you can tap anywhere. 

28 Comentarios

I've heard about tapping. Thanks for the link.



There's somebody here who has been tapping for ages.... oh .. who is it...aztec‌  Go read her blogs.  You two will have a lot in common.  I've tried it. But not long enough to make a discipline out of it.  Though it did have an effect even without the commitment it takes.  As with any new practice, it takes work and discipline (that horrid word we all HATE) to make the new practice effective.  You have to employ it and use it on a regular basis.  I believe tapping to be an effective tool in overcoming stress and other emotional reactions to those things that upset us.  BUT, it's something that's got to be practiced on a daily basis. Like meditation or quitting smoking.  

You can't expect to quit smoking unless you practice the tools necessary to become and remain so.  There's a discipline and commitment involved with you're agreement. 

Yes, you can tap anywhere.  But you need to ultimately tap into your core commitment to succeed at this


I love tapping it helps my anxiety too. 


And here's me thinking "damn, if only my knees weren't broken", I could tap dance too.

Then I went to the video 


I agree with Guilia on this one.


Wishing you gardenancy8 a hasslefree, stressfree, smokefree day and keep on tapping through your craves because you can and will be successful in your precious quit......


You can do this, Nancy! We'll be right here to support your decision, offer support as needed, and celebrate your Victories!


Thank you!   The tapping is working great! 


Thank you Thomas! I really do enjoy the tapping process, I've been doing it for yrs for my anxiety! Thanks for all the support you guys!  




How are you doing gardenancy8‌?  Does the tapping still help?

Sorry I am a little late to congratulate you on a wonderful decision, and gift to you and your family!

Welcome to our family, and please come back and let us help, the first days, the first week, the first month are the most difficult and it is where we can help you the most.

However, the more DOF (days of freedom) I accumulate, the more I understand it is all in the power of our minds to create the right attitude about the recovery; be happy about it, be proud of yourself for doing it, and the easier the journey is becoming!


I was ready to see dancing.  Tapping, if it works use it.  I have never heard of it.  Thank you for the enlightenment. Congratulations on being smokefree. Keep tapping. 


I had never heard of it either but my daughter in law says that it works for many things, addiction, pain, panic, depression.  She says it is a really effective way to deal with things.  I meant to watch that video and then I forgot, glad I saw this post again.  I didn't expect to see dancing but I visualized someone tapping their fingers on a table in some sort of rhythmic way....then again, a few years ago, my sister told me that her son and daughter were going to a spinning class and I visualized them going around and around and around and could not understand why anyone would need to take a class.  I told my sister and she nearly died laughing.  What can I say?  Sometimes my mind is very literal.


There you go Ellen, let's sign up for it


Things are going well, thank you! I've been reading a lot on the addiction, watching videos on it also.  Been getting out and going for few mile walk/jogs everyday! I just keep telling myself  NOPE .  


Good for YOU!  That's the way to do it, one day at a time, one crave at a time.  


Daniela2016‌ I need a recumbent seat, my back won't allow that any more.


I was kidding anyways Ellen, my back is been hurting for a couple of days anyways, and I still don't walk properly, and won't till the Dr releases me.  But I had to look it up because of your funny comment, it took me a while to figure out what spinning was 🙂  We'll do what we can, love you!


Hahahaha, there you go.  Sorry about your back, I wish mine would just stop for a little while.  It's never gone but it's always terrible these days.

Off to the rheumatologist today.  Glad you didn't know what spinning was either, my mind SEES things...spinning is turning around and around, tapping is tapping on a tabletop....what can I say?


You are doing ALL the right things to be successful!

Happy for you!



thank you! Triggers are really getting to me today. Just woke up, the dogs were barking. Going outside with them is a huge trigger for me. I need to go watch videos again on why I quit this poison


Mornings were hard for me too, particularly the things that I always did while I smoked.  It will pass.  It is a process and there is no way to speed it up.  Instead of thinking about smoking when you take the dogs out, take some really deep breaths, because you CAN.  

Hope that you are able to concentrate on the positives and know that SERIOUSLY, this too shall pass.  The first days are really tough.




Good morning Nancy, You are almost one week in the recovery, almost done with the most difficult part of it.  We all know it is not easy, but we all somehow did it.  It would be different for everybody.  For me, like for you, spending time with the dogs in the backyard was a big trigger; for a long time I did not sit down while they were playing, but rather took a glass of iced water with me and went and mingled, played with them for a short while, and did not even look at my patio table and chairs. Leave the place where the craving hits, go inside, go in another room, and start doing something else.  Tell your self "I don't do that anymore", I also used to tell my self "oh goody, another crave, they are my proof I have quit smoking, I love them", took several deep breaths, and knew, and expected they will pass.  You are going to be fine gardenancy8‌. trust you can do it!


Thank you Elvan! I've been going out for a few minutes at a time today with the dogs! Trying to teach my brain slowly the new way. 


Thank you Daniela! Very good tips for me! 


You really need to find ways to appreciate things that you likely missed because you were puffing away, just like the rest of us.  That is the only way to do it, one little thing at a time, one day at a time.


Hi Giulia, Yes tapping works, the more you can do it the better, I found that I needed to block out some time for it , I would tap for one thing and somethingelse would come up to tap on. great for anxiety, ptsd,pain,(yes Pain) . it really does work.

I may figure this place out yet! Love Aztec

Acerca del autor
A stay at home mom/wife! Love gardening and reading! Namaste :)