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Share your quitting journey

Take A Deep Breath!

0 7 15

Today I read a Court of Appeals case that I am now having to brief. The case is somewhat complexed and I have read it several times in order to comprehend the details I want to convey and my stress level is high. The thing is, this is usually the time when taking a break for a smoke would be at hand. Instead I take a deep breath and then another one, and then another one etc. to relieve the stress I am having with this case. Thank god for this site, I can write down what I am feeling, get it off my chest, and move on. I hope all of you are having a wonderful smoke-free day.

Well back to my case! (UGH!)

7 Comentarios

No onion and extra cheese on mine please.

That ought to focus you


good! deep breaths really do work!


Sounds like you're doing what works for you!!! Great. Happy Healing!


When the tension builds to high for me I've always found stretching exercises work well. Try it!  Keep your quit - you are doing so well!!!


I agree with Maggie, stretching REALLY helped me, even just a couple of minutes of it. I'm sure your comprehension will be clearer soon. I was still foggy at your stage.



Natalie - You are doing exactly the right thing by blogging! Way to go!


We got a lawyer!!!???? Yeah girl, know what else helps stress?  A dog that is always there for you!  I have a JRT that has to lay by me constantly and occassionally wants to be on my lap.  At 15 I can't say no to her but when I write for our Border Patrol she is a great helper when I get writers block!