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Share your quitting journey


1 29 93

Two years ago today, I stopped smoking, I wanted so much to believe that it was my “forever” quit, I kept reading other people’s blogs talking about their “forever” quits and I wondered how they KNEW. I WANTED it to be forever, I didn’t want to feel as though I had to hide from people when I smoked, I did not want to KNOW what I was doing to myself, I wanted to convince myself that I would get better, that I would not always be so short of breath, I wanted to believe that, like other times, I would be able to rationalize that I just had really bad allergies.  Flash forward two years, no cigarettes, no more denial, lung surgery two months ago, and still using oxygen at night, still short of breath and still easily fatigued.  There is no denying what I did to myself smoking for 47 years, with some breaks for pregnancies, and some attempted quits.  I know now and I have known for a long time, that the answers to quitting are here, the education, the support, and the people reaching out to help with absolutely no reservations. I would never have made it through all of the events of the past two years without the support and love I received from this site.  I will forever be grateful that I found this site at the perfect time.  I thank each of you who reached out to me from the beginning, the elders as well as the newbies, the people who generously shared their stories and showed me that there was nothing unique about my quit, that there was no reason I could not succeed and make this my FOREVER QUIT!  I have to work today and the next two days but I wanted to post this blog before I leave, I am hopping on board the Freedom Train today before I do anything else.  I love you all and you have my eternal gratitude as well as the gratitude of my family! Thank you. XOXOXO, Ellen

29 Comentarios



I'll celebrate with  you today! My heart soars with joy that you found your Forever Quit!



I rejoice in your happiness today, Ellen, and I thank you sincerely for being a courageous mentor to me and so many others. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


Congratulations Ellen!


I'm sp proud of you!




What a great blog! Thanks for being a shining example. I'm so proud of you. Congratulations on 2 years!

My dear Ellen, CONGRATS!!!! You are a shining example and I'm so proud of you and happy for you. Your testimony is inspiring to everyone. Love you, my sister friend!!

Thank you for being such an inspiration to me.  It has truly been an honor following in your foot steps!  Congratulations!


Congrats 🙂


CONGRATULATIONS ELLEN on your beautiful quit.  I know your lungs are going to get better and better.  It has only been 2 months.  I think you are amazing.  Celebrating you today my sister nurse.  TWO YEARS!!!!!!!!!


Happy 2nd Anniversary Ellen!

You have been an inspiration to so many here. For those that are reading this that don't know what  Ellen's been through, read her blogs. This woman has been through so much. Ellen, have shown that no matter what came your way, health, home etc, you never chose to light up, when others would have used that as an excuse.  Bravo! 


Thank you Ellen for this awe inspiring blog and Congratulations on your precious, stupendous, splendiferous, fantastic, fabulous, amazing, delightful, beautiful, marvelous, awesome, humongous, ginormous and I thought of a new word that I will add glorious 2 yrs of smoke free living and counting WTG my dear friend, you totally rock. Please do something very, very special for yourself today after you get done work. Maybe take a little power nap and splurge on a take out meal from a restaurant if you're too tired to go out or if it's too cold like here. ☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡


Congratulations on 2 years Ellen, and a fabulous forever quit! Your blog inspires me! You are one of my # 1 supporters and I love you for it! Have a very good day and Celebrate!

Terrie  197  DOF


Congratulations on 2 years smoke free Ellen!


Wonderful 2 years, Ellen, it couldn't happen to a nicer person! So glad you're here!


Happy 2 year anniversary!!


Congratulations Ellen! I am so happy for you!

I know you are so very proud of yourself and as well you should be!

Thank you for being here and for being a source of support for me and others!


Yea , Ellen !!!  2years as a non smoker ! congratulations !


You should be SO proud.  I know I am proud of you!


Congratulations on your 2 years of freedom Ellen. I am coming up on 1 year and you have helped me to get where I am today ! You have been through so much Ellen and yet you have remained commited to your forever quit ! I have been afraid to call my quit a forever quit I am afraid of jinxing it !!!!

You are strong and you have carried on and I have learned from you and others on this site that I too can be strong like you !!!!

Congrats to a great lady you are an inspiration to  me and all of us in the EX -Family !

             Big (((((HUGS )))))) for you  Ellen !  I am so proud of you !

                                                 Rock on !

             Woooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are a wonderful inspiration to all of us and a beautiful person.  Congratulations, Ellen!  


You are an inspiration to all- you have so much strength and resolve in your quit. I hope you find some ways to celebrate what is most certainly your Forever Quit, and setting a fine example for us to follow. Sending wishes also that your lungs will grow stronger with time, and you will start to feel stronger physically. Congratulations on 2 years!


Ellen - Happy TWO YEAR anniversary! How wonderful! You should be so proud! I am so glad you found this site too! We love you! 

Find a way to celebrate Ellen! CONGRATS! 

You are a ROCK STAR!! Congratulations my special friend on TWO YEARS!! You are an amazingly strong woman who is an inspiration to anyone who has the pleasure of knowing you! I am so thankful for having you in my life and that er are able to walk through this journey together!! I love you beautiful!

Congratulations on you 2 years! Such strength you have and I am so happy that this was your forever quit and you are still here with us to share your beautiful self!


Congratulations Ellen- I'm glad you are here. You make it better here.


Awesome congrats on 2 years 


Congratulations my sweet ffriend on ttwo yearss!   That is awessome!@  Sorrry my keytboorad is actiing up.  soo veery prooud of you and hhappy forr  you!! wwooooo hooooo!  XOXOXOOXOXO


I am late but I got here now.

Congratulations on your 2 years WOOOOHOOOO!!!!   

I am very proud of you. 


Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary!  Way to go!

You should be super proud of yourself!

Acerca del autor
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.