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Share your quitting journey


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Yesterday, 11/15/2020 was my eleventh anniversary of quitting smoking. As most of us do, I can honestly say that on that first day in 2009, I never thought I would see 11 years quit. As any new quitter soon discovers, looking down the years isn't really possible. We do this one minute (one second?) at a time.

May I just tell everyone......I am proud of my quit......happy that I made the glad that I found all of you.
So, I find it INCREDIBLE that I did not even realize it was 11 years yesterday until I  was at CVS and a gentleman asked me if I knew where the gum was for quitting smoking. I did not. He asked me if I smoked and at that very moment I realized what day it was AND what day it was! You see...being Sunday, I wasn't as aware of the actual date as I am during the work week. I told him no...I was not a smoker and as a matter of fact I was a quitter and had quit 11 years ago that very day. He looked at me as if he did not believe me (I didn't blame him!). He found a clerk who showed him the gum and I heard him telling her he was trying to quit. She wished him luck, he got in line, paid for his gum and left. I paid for my things and left. When I got outside, he was waiting and asked me if what I had said was true and I told him it was. LUCK was with me and I remembered I still had those EX cards Mark gave us in my purse. I got one out, gave it to him and after a short explanation of EX ( hard to carry on real conversations these days with the masks and the 6 feet) I invited him to the site and left.
Driving home I was again overwhelmed by the fact that I had not remembered my anniversary. I thought about the beginning where you counted every day and then that great FIRST YEAR MILESTONE! Do not is not that my quit is unimportant to me any is and will always remain one of the most important things in my life. It is that freedom has become my way of normal.
It will be yours also if you just hang in there and keep counting AND CELEBRATING the days (minutes, seconds). Know now and always that you made one of the best decisions you have ever made in your life. 
Stay Strong.
22 Comentarios

Congrats on 11 years.  Great story about the guy looking for the nicotine gum.  I think God sent him to you.  Hope you celebrate your anniversary.


This is such a cool story! I hope we see him here on the site. Congratulations on ELEVEN YEARS!


I too hope we see him here!  What a wonderful story to share on your 11th.  

it is not that my quit is unimportant to me any is and will always remain one of the most important things in my life. It is that freedom has become my way of normal.
  That kinda says it all.  Happy you forgot.  Happy you remembered.  Celebrating with you!  And hope one day we may celebrate with your CVS guy!

Congratulations on 11 years!  It truly is a wonderful feeling to lose track of the days. I have invited a couple of folks to join us here at EX - don't think that any made it but I will keep trying!


Gratz on 11 Years Aunt Lucy! Hope you got my voicemail yesterday!




Congratulations ! Eleven Years Quit .... fantastic.

Very proud of you ! We will follow you.




Congratulations on your 11 years of freedom.

I always have a couple of the EX cards in my truck just in case. Thanks for the wonderful story.



Great post Sootie,  A super congrats on your fantastic fabulous beautiful glorious wonderful humongous ginormous magnificent amazing spectacular splendiferous stupendous awesome 11 precious Smokefree years and counting WTG YAY for Smokefree living and YAY for each and every Day WON! Let's CELEBRATE because I absolutely love CELEBRATING MILESTONES, I hope this gentleman will join us here at Ex.......


Attagirl Sootie. Hope we see this guy around.

Oh yeah...& CONGRATULATIONS on your eleven years of freedom!

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What a enjoyable post        A major CONGRATULATIONS to you on your 11 years.  Taking the time to encourage and try to help a stranger during these times is awesome. 

I hope to see him here


Congrats on 11 years and staying around to  help others become successful quitters.

via GIPHY | Congratulations gif, Animated smiley faces, Congratulations  images



Wow 11 years is awesome.  And to have so many years in that you actually were not thinking about smoking anymore. I know that is my goal.  Congratulations! 


Fabulous 11 years Sootie!!  How nice of you to encourage the guy at CVS to come to EX.  I hope he does!


Thanks for sharing Sootie a real life - GOOD-  story in 2020 and CONGRATS on 11 YEARS  as a PEACEFUL non smoker and GOOD JOB passing on the REAL SOOTIE TRUTH - that YOU - MY n.o.p.e. family member and friend -   love living nicotine's freedom life and your OWN choice style - WAY TO GO


 Yahoooo Sootie for STAYING n.o.p.e. family member and passing it on


pastedImage_1.gif Sootie On 11 years of Freedom...super were one of the first to note in my blog when I quit smoking...Thank you for inspiring me and many on this journey.  What an amazing story...and on your quit anniversary...Thank you for sharing...~ Colleen 715 DOF 


Congrats on your 11th year. Wonderful post


Sootie‌ I missed this post, eleven years is amazing.  The fact that you are still here helping others is a wonderful thing.  I think that gentleman was very lucky to run into you, I hope he comes and tells the story of getting the card from you.  What a lovely story, thanks for sharing it.



elvan‌  WOW! That would be so cool wouldn't it? I was hoping he would come to the site....but I never thought of how great it would be if I sometime opened up the blogs and read the story of CVS and the card. I hope he comes......for the quit but also so that he can make the incredible friendships that we have. Hope you are well and safe dear Ellen.


Great story.  Very inspirational for us and I'm sure for the gentleman who was trying to quit.  It's been four years for me since I quit and just under four since I posted on this site.  I am so impressed by the dedication and support shown to others here.  Congratulations on reaching such a terrific milestone.

Acerca del autor
I quit smoking in 2009 after years and years of addiction. I just became sick and tired of the whole smoking thing. This site was a lifesaver with the support I as you can see, I hung around to help others. I became friends with many people....some are here now and some are gone. Welcome to anyone who is new....this is EX....we are all here for each other.