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Hi all! I’m excited & nervous setting out yet again to be a non-smoker. I have tried many times in the past, but was unsuccessful. I am determined to make these smelly cigarettes a thing of the past. I didn’t know there were communities like this online where I could meet others who are pursuing the same thing or have already successfully done it. This is probably one of the hardest things that I’ve tried to achieve in my life but I WILL NEVER GIVE UP trying to quit because I’ve seen what smoking can do to our health and I don’t want to have to worry about getting sick because of cigarettes. For the first time in my life , I want this for me, no one else but me!!


Me too.


Hello ZerahYAH and welcome.

A lot of great information and people here willing to help.  Learn as much as you can about the addiction the withdraws,  craves and how to beat them.   Don't give into a crave come here first   

You can do this



He and Welcome to Ex’s ZerahYAH 

So glad you found us...we are here to help you through this journey.  First, may I recommend you read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX there you will plan a quit date, learn a bit about this journey and make your own plan to quit.  Then, come here and read blogs, post, etc., to become knowledgable in this journey.  Keep busy.../blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=6... Remember to listen to your body, it is healing from all the chemicals you have put in your body for so many years, it takes time and determination to feel good in your quit skin.  Have a quit kit ready ...

Keep close to us / support site for help...You can do this and we are here to help...Colleen 690 DOF 


Thank you so much. I really appreciate you. I have tried soooo many times to quit. But each time I fell off the wagon, I ended up smoking more than I previously had. I’ve tried to use like the patch and those e-cigs, but of course they didn’t work. So I greatly appreciate any tips or ideas to battle the withdrawal and the cravings as I set out on this journey. Have a good day today!


Thanks a lot I’m actually on day #2. I quit on Wednesday. So far hasn’t been too bad. But I remember the withdrawal from the last time and let’s just say it was very uncomfortable. I’m looking forward to being a non-smoker 


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on day 2.   It's important to create new associations in place of smoking.  Create them now, so when a craving strikes you're prepared.

You got this one day at a time.



Ok so I have a question about the withdrawal because it was kinda rough the last time I attempted to quit and this time I expect it will be just as rough if not rougher. But on average, how long does it take for the withdrawal symptoms to subside because I'm not feeling so good right now? #PLEASEHELP


ZerahYAH the "average"  answer is 

Nicotine is out of your body 72 hours after you quit smoking. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually reach their peak 2 to 3 days after you quit, and are gone within 1 to 3 months. (1) It takes at least 3 months for your brain chemistry to return to normal after you quit smoking.Aug 3, 2020

But we're all unique.  Even though we have much in common when we quit, we each have our own journey.  There are two aspects to quitting -- the physical and the psychological.  I had little if no physical withdrawal symptoms.  Mine was more on the emotional side and did last for a good while.  Don't let that discourage you.  This is a journey and we experience much along the way.  Knowing what to expect from other quitters and having their support made such a difference for me.   

Most of us have multiple attempts at quitting.   If you haven't done so already it's not too late.  Educating myself about nicotine addiction and having a quit plan made it possible for me after 50 years of smoking.  I skipped these two steps in the past and failed every time.  

 All the the quitters on this site are proof that you can do it also.

We're here for you and want to celebrate your success.  Just reach out.

One day at a time is how it works.



Thanks so much for your support. I am taking it moment by moment at this point because I’m struggling with this withdrawal. I feel sick. I’m nauseous. It sucks! But I am determined to do this. I have risked my health all these years with smoking and I refuse to continue. I had a headache that wouldn’t quit today which I’m sure is just a symptom of the withdrawal. I’m using Bupropion to help with the withdrawal but I’m not sure if it’s working or not.  



You're doing great.  Be patient with yourself--this will pass and you'll be celebrating your success.



Hey Guys,

Day#3 IN EFFECT!! I still have a slight headache but I feel better than I felt yesterday. I am combatting cravings with peppermints & freeze pops LOL. I am reading & doing EVERYTHING in my power not to fight the temptation & I appreciate every last one of you guys. I just clocked out for the day and I'm about to make lunch and go for a walk with my girls. I am going to use walking after meals to help with that after-meal cigarette because that one was nagging me yesterday after I ate. I have been drinking water since I got up for work(I work from home.) & I'm starving now. This is another one of my concerns because I am already gaining unwanted weight. How did you guys keep from gaining excessive weight after quitting? How did you keep from replacing the cigarettes with food?


Walking really helps to refocus your thoughts  I can tell you to eat celery and carrot sticks, but that didn't work for me.  I did chew on straws and used Sour Patch Kids --not many calories there anyway.  And, I did gain weight.

Yea for day 3!


About the Author
Mother of 4. 4 grandchildren. Recently engaged to an AMAZING man named Gabriel. I work from home for a company called Working Solutions. I love music, poetry, long walks, & a good book.