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I want to thank you all so very much for all you kind words.And the one's of you that have send such wram words of comfort to me on this blob. I tell you though this is hard. Out of all the time that I went through wanting a cig and yet stay away from them was nothing, compair to now I am wanting one so bad it like I would think it would take some of the pain away. which it won't it just all in my head. I feel like there is part of me missing. I can get over the feeling of a big gaint truck run back and forth over me. I think if it was not for you great people here I would have already gone and got some cig's to smoke but know that you all are here keep me going I thank you again...
Take it one moment at a time, Doris. You're bigger and stronger than your addiction. Don't give in! Don't let it beat you! You can do it!

With almost 200 days under your belt, are you sure that you want a cigarette? Or are you looking for a shot of dopamine to temporarily make you feel better? There is a BIG difference between those two wants.

You are in pain and want to feel differently which is to be expected. Stay the course.


Having been through the same thing over the last week, I'm can say pretty confidently that you don't really want a cigarette. You want SOMETHING that will give you comfort. Because you grabbed a cigarette for all those years, you just think that something should be a cigarette. It could be anything. What's your favorite ice cream? A bowl of that would probably do the trick.

You have control of your thoughts. Don't let the urge for comfort in a difficult time trick you into thinking that becoming a full-time smoker again is going to do anything positive for you.
Doris, I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sorry that you're hurting, but smoking would only make you feel worse. You have made it so far down the road of quitting it is truly an inspiration to me and others here. Hang on. Let yourself cry, grieve and think about the good memories you have of your mom. And--think about the great job you've done of quitting smoking.
I Wish For You, Your Eternal Mother

by: Tricia LaVoice

The rhythm of her heart soothed you long before you took your first breathe of air. Her arms cradled you, her kisses smothered you. She held your hand, tied your shoes, brushed your hair.

When you were scared she reassured you, when you were sad she comforted you. She knew you better than you knew yourself. She is your mother.

Tonight you are asked to say good bye to her, a quest to grand to comprehend.. We are never ready to say good bye to our mothers regardless of age for we are all the child looking up into her eyes when it is time to depart. She cannot hold you now, she cannot nurture your bleeding heart or wipe the tears from you swollen eyes. Mother Nature knew we would all have to say good bye to our mothers one day and that this departure would redefine our being and leave us hallow inside so she gifted all of her children with maternal love. Maternal love to share with one another when a mother must go.

Your mother has wrapped her arms around many others in times of grief and heart ache, now let them wrap their arms around you. Find your mother's love in all who love you. See her eyes twinkle through a baby's smile, feel her wisdom in a friend's devotion. In a field of daisies rest your voice and look to the sky, remember the smell of her skin, the softness in her touch. The way her kiss took away the pain of a scraped knee, the way her voice centered your world. As you feel her so close to you let the rhythm of her heart soothe you once more and you will come to realize that you started off as one and became two and now you are one again, this time it is she who lays within you for she will forever be in your heart.
Dear Doris, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. You'll get through it, though, and you can do it without smoking. Please stay close to us. We'll be here for you.
hwc is right - I had a grief episode dear Doris and relapsed - and geuss what I still had the grief of losing a friend and all the sadness death brings plus I had to go back to square one with my quit and it was a struggle to do that - remember many who relapse go back to being full time smokers!! You DO need something - it may sound crass but remember The Golden Girls - they had a cheesecake moment when they faced stress - take a break from your troubles go find a quiet space outside and talk to God or to nature breath and shed a tear if need be nothing washes the sould better than tears..............Hugs