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Share your quitting journey

Sweet Revenge

1 13 140

Last night, Ol Nic decided to try attacking my camp. That was a mistake on his part. Did he think I wouldn't be watching for him after seeing what he did to the supplies at the oasis? Well, nobody said he was a genius, did they? LOL

He was running with the Tobacco Brothers. My party defended the camp with honor. The brothers were ground out. They fell among the camels and were crumbled into little pieces. All we found this morning were little scraps of them.

As to Nic, I fought him myself. He won't be going anywhere for a while. I put a large helping of Whoop-a$$ on him. We left him laying there this morning when we left. He has no supplies or water. We will see how he likes being in the situation he wanted to leave so many in. If you come across him, do not give him any aid. You will be able to tell it is him by the horrid odor he gives off. It's time he learned that we mean business!!!

I met a few travelers and replaced their camels for them. I give everyone I meet encouragement to continue, and directions if they need them. Several have strayed from the trail and I had to get them back on it.

Wishing all a very safe journey.

One step, and then another, gets you to where you want to get to.

Hugs and love to all.

Larry the Caravan Master

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13 Comentarios

See how much we need YOU!! One step at a time!! That will get the job done!!

Love you!!

Candy    d202


Love, love, love these blogs........Great job kicking a$$ Larry.....I won't give him any aid, as I know he can come across so charming, and enticing at times....Thanks for reminding me of who he really is!!!

You sir, are a life-saver!!!!


Thank you! 

I love it! Way to go! Giving Nic your personal whuppin'. Yep he's hurtin' big time today!

left him high and dry!

Oh Yeah!


Absolutely love your blogs..  funny and inspirational at the same time.  Thank you so much.


LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!! Good evening and welcome to tonight's match which promises to be a classic in every sense of the word. In the red corner, weighing in at 160 Days....Larry the Caravan Master!!!! And in the blue corner weighing in at 1 million life crushing tons and the undisputed top killer of mankind...Ol Nic the Killer!!! And tonight's prize? BREATH & GLORRRYYY!!!!

And there's the bell.

Commentator: And here's Ol Nic the Killer sending a left and a right and a right jab to Larry. But Larry's taking the jabs and staying on his feet! He's moving back in on Ol Nic the Killer! With a right and another left and a bash with a hammer and a terrific smack with a heavy thud right into the skull and there's a gaping hole right through Ol Nic now (the Ex family is getting increasingly excited) Larry's having a field day here, he's just laying into Ol Nic the Killer! left, right and centre and he's really giving him a right royal lesson. And the Killer's kicked him in the stomach and now he's bitten Larry's willpower and jumping into his dreams!

Wait, the referee's stepped in with a warning there. What a plucky fighter this Larry the Caravan Master is. He's fighting as well as I've ever seen him. He's showing off his motivational power. It's everywhere! Certainly those who paid a huge Nicotine Withdrawal for those ringside seats are really getting their money's worth. They're covered in motivation now! And Ol Nic just lost his ash! (the Ex family is on it's feet and everyone cheers!!!) And Larry knocks the Killer's butt out from under him! It's rolled away down to the left ..Larry the Caravan Master seems to have hit an early knockout blow! Ol Nic's down! He hits the canvas!! one .two…three…four….five. .. six….sev ..... but what's happening? There's the Champ, Larry ... racing around the ring, trying to find his opponent so he can finish stomping that ash but the Killer's hiding under the mat. The referee's pulling him out. And Ol Nic the Killer has been disqualified. (pandemonium breaks out) He's been disqualified ... the cigarette that has killed millions of people in his career has at last been defeated by this courageous little Caravan Master. And there's a great roar here as the referee raises the arm of the new World Heavyweight Champion....Larry the Caravan Master!!!


funny fight photo: fight thstickfightzw8.gif


Giving him no mind gives him no time in the brain.  Leaving him high and dry is THE way to go.

Congratulations on continuing the caravan.

You are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


your fighting a good fight,   let nic knows who is boss. Larry


Way to go, Larry !!  I love that you left ole nic high and dry !!  Lead On, Caravan Master

keep calm and carry on




Thanks to Marilyn for giving us a blow by blow of the action!!  I loved it, made me see you openin' a serious can of whoop A$$ all over ole Nic!! Thank you Caravan Master for kickin' some Mr. Nicocreep butt and blazing the trail!! HUGS and love to you always my brother! 🙂


HAd a rubble last glad to see you came out a winner larry!


A big Hug and lots of love to you!!


Love your story, Larry 🙂 Glad you're keeping an eye on us so we don't wander off 🙂

Acerca del autor
I am a male that underwent coronary artery bypass X3 (triple) on 10/22/13 at the age of 55. I was living on about 20-30% of one coronary artery and my left heart output was only 20% to 25%. I spent a week in the hospital after surgery and went home. Then had to go back a day later for another week because I had pneumonia. Finally a few days because of a slight arythmia. All told it has been about 2 1/2 weeks. I am past the cravings by now and only have the urges to contend with. I really don't suggest that anyone quits smoking using this technique though. I'll have to carry the scars from that day for the rest of my life. The large one down the center of my chest, and the ones from several "silent" infarctions. I came that close to the next world. Never again will I subject my body to that (at one point in my life I was smoking 5 packs of cigarillos a day). I now have to say N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever) every day of my life. TheOldGoat-Joan, I miss you terribly my friend. Elder Lists Guilia's: (/blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016 ) or Smorgy's (Chronological Elder List)