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Surgery/The Results on 11-10-09

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I went and saw my doctor yesterday to get the results of my D&C.  The growth that was found is PRE-cancerous/borderline cancer, so my doctor has decided that the best thing for me is to get a hysterectomy.  I'm scheduled to get it done on Dec. 10th @ 12 noon.  I'm nervous, but anxious to get this done.  I appreciate all the support I've gotten here!

10 Comentarios

Hey, Edith. I had pre-cancerous cells from an anual pap test when I was 28yrs. old. Since I already had my children, I agreed to the hysterectomy. No problems since, and that has been 23 yrs. ago. You will be fine. Good to hear from you!!


You know I wish you the best. You deserve the best. Love, Nancy



I am doing fine after my hysterectomy last Tuesday.  I hope you find the Happy Hysterectomy ebook to be as helpful as I did.

Good Luck to you and let me know if I can be of any help to you.



You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Edith!  we love you and our thoughts and prayers are with you!  I dont know what type of hysterectomy and which surgical procedure you will be facing...............everyone's experience is a bit different.  HysterSisters is a good website and community if you'd like more info.  My BEST advice is 1. MIND YOUR DOCTOR--especially AFTER the surgery.  2.  DO NOT TAKE your bowel prep "stuff"-ugh, just before boarding an airplane flight.



Edith!  we love you and our thoughts and prayers are with you!  I dont know what type of hysterectomy and which surgical procedure you will be facing...............everyone's experience is a bit different.  HysterSisters is a good website and community if you'd like more info.  My BEST advice is 1. MIND YOUR DOCTOR--especially AFTER the surgery.  2.  DO NOT TAKE your bowel prep "stuff"-ugh, just before boarding an airplane flight.



Edith!  we love you and our thoughts and prayers are with you!  I dont know what type of hysterectomy and which surgical procedure you will be facing...............everyone's experience is a bit different.  HysterSisters is a good website and community if you'd like more info.  My BEST advice is 1. MIND YOUR DOCTOR--especially AFTER the surgery.  2.  DO NOT TAKE your bowel prep "stuff"-ugh, just before boarding an airplane flight.



I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!  I'm sure everything will be ok.  Hugs!!


every thing is going to be fine and you will feel so much better after you have the surgery, you will be in my prayers my friend


 I too will keep you in thought and prayer. I have not had that done but my best friend has and she said if she knew it was going to be that great she would of had it done years earlier.