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Share your quitting journey

Surgery Looms!

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Good morning Fellow EXer's! 48 hours from now I will not know anything that is going on! Some would argue that I have been in that condition for a long time! I will say that the messages from some of you have been taken to heart! I am not, nor do I need to be, Superman! I have postponed my cruise for four weeks! Thank you to those of you who reminded me that I have nothing to prove!

I am not coming here everyday in a cry for sympathy, or attention. I will however admit that I love attention! I am doing my best to chronicle what I am going through, both physically and mentally, because of the common addiction we share! I can not compete with Kellie in the classy, selfless way that she has shared her battle in her blog Nor can I walk you through the the waiting process that JoJo shared with us as we hoped and prayed for her new lung! I can only share the cold and ugly business of a quadruple by-pass! And it is just businesss as usual! A cottage industry built at the EXpense of addicts like me, and you! It is my hope that someone will read this and find a motivation they did not have before! As Maggie said on my last blog, if it reaches just one person then it has done its job!

Today is a busy day! I am trying to make sure that everything is taken care of, that I may not be able to tend to in the next couple of weeks! I go for pre-op this afternoon! So I should know all the details by the time the day is done! I have to go to the vascular surgeons office after pre-op so they can check the viens and arteries in my arms and legs. That way they will know which ones to harvest to make the by-passes! I don't like that thought! I have always had good legs(if nothing else) and I do not care for the idea of them cutting into a perfectly good leg! It is amazing that our bodies can provide the "spare parts" for us to take to the shop with us when we need repair!

The great Mickey Mantle was once quoted as saying "If I had known that I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!" Does that ring true with any of you? Oh, how cavalier we were! Our smart ass remarks to those who tried to warn us! "Gotta die of something" "This is one of my few pleasures" "That will never happen to me" "Who wants to be old anyway" "Live hard and fast. Die young, and leave a beautiful corpseI Ha ha ha!"! Where is the laughter now!

People! If you can't listen to the warnings on the side of the packs, listen to your friends! If you are drowning out the warnings of the very people who sell you your drug of choice, listen to us! It you can somehow ignore the warning that your own body is giving you, listen to those of us who once proudly proclaimed "That will never happen to me!!"! It can happen! It will happen! I beg you, to make, and be firm in a personal commitment to avoid, at all cost, the regrets that I feel today!       Tommy


I'm so happy you were able to postpone your cruise. A good rest during recovery is critical. You will enjoy yourself better when you have more energy.


yes, i am so glad you have postponed your cruise, get well first, take good care of your self and look forward to your cruise, we want lots of pictures, in the mean time, you have our support and prayers !


My Prayers go out to you and I will be Praying for you this Friday!!  Also for the skill or your surgeon!!  Look forward to you being home and well enough to let us know you are OK!!


Tommy, I am glad you have postponed your cruise for two reasons....first and foremost, you will spend the time letting your body heal and will be able to enjoy your cruise.  I don't know if you have ever been on a cruise before but they are fantastic!!!  Best vacation anyone could ever have for reasonable prices considering everything that is included.

My prayers will be with you, Tommy.  I hope there is someone who will be posting on your behalf to let us all know how surgery went.  I am sure you are reaching many people...everything you said are remarks that I myself made throughout the years and now I wonder what price I might have to pay in the future.  I will never understand why young people pick up these nasty things when they have info that was not available to me when I was a teenager....the warnings came several years later...mild at first and then stronger and stronger.


Thank you Tommy for your uplifting and encouraging words.  None of us know when we will have to go through the same or similiar situations.  By your encouragement, we know that we can all GO THROUGH.  You are a bright light that shines in darkness. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and keep you as you GO THROUGH your trial.


I really like that quote by Micky Mantle,"If I had known that I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!" It rings true with me...I trashed my body with smoking for 35 years... but with your testimony added to Jojo's and Kellie's, I will continue to keep those SICKORETTES away from my face...(I dont like the idea of your surgeon "vein-shopping ) today...but I guess that's the way it goes....Stay brave and keep us posted Tommy....Love and prayers for you !!! ♥


My prayers and thoughts are with you Tommy for a speedy recovery and memorable cruise !!


Tommy, I will also lend my voice in repeating what others have already spoken. You come first. The opportunity of a cruise will always be there .. you can't rush your recovery. I am sure that you know bt now just how much you mean to all of us here. We are a family of addicts who look out for another and care deeply in doing so. I love you my friend. GOD is with you♥


Thoughts and prayers your way, Tommy. I think the motto YOU CAN DO THIS can work for surgery too! My uncle, who is now 70, had triple bypass surgery 10 years ago. He's still as active and ornery as ever. In fact, he just finished remodeling the kitchen of their house this summer, and now he's talking about adding on to the deck! It is amazing what doctors can do these days. Take care of yourself and we'll see you back here soon (well, after the cruise maybe, lol)




HI Tommy

When you are all healed up you will have a better time on your cruise anyways.
I know you will be brave, You wiil be fine. YOu have a great attitude and I love it when you post. YOu are truly quit and that committment shines through to help us all to remember the perils of cigarettes.

much love sent your way G-d Bless you Tommy "X" and a big hug



did you know that a wendy's baconator has 2900 calories. make sure you get clearance before you eat one ok? 5oz of pure unadulterated fat in them baby's.




You have so much love and prayer surrounding you Pirate Man that you really have no choice but to come back to us!  I know you must have some bit of fear here, who wouldn't?  But you will be O.K.  Just Breathe....


You have and will continue to be in my prayers.  I must admit partially for selfish reasons.  Your blogs and messages on my page have given me strength and hope. In my heart I feel you must be a very good man and are still really needed, plus you have that wonderful cruise to look forward to.  I look forward to hearing about your complete recovery.  God Bless you and keep you and may he grant you his peace.


Tommy, my thoughts and prayers are with you!!  xoxo


I will add my prayers for you to the heap above 🙂  I really appreciate you (and Kellie and JoJo) sharing your trials and tribulations with us to help show us why we need to stay strong in our committment to our quits.


Praying for you


Wise choice, Tommy, to postpone that cruise.  You'll be able to enjoy it that much more.  Pity we all can't go with you.  What a party THAT would be, eh?!!!  Well, maybe we'll just have to have a virtual cruise here at the site.   

I wonder if the docs could use any spider veins - I've got a whole bunch I could give you!   We'll be along with you for the ride in our hearts here on Friday.  What a way to start a weekend.....ah but the stories you'll be able to tell.....


Hugs and prayers to you.  My mom had lots of repairs in Naples due to smoking and there are great docs who will be taking care of you.  


Wow! am glad you are listening to everybody about vacation! why go when u can't fully enjoy what u pay for? Everything will go smooth on friday with great results. You're under the best care!

@ Dale...baconator alot of fat but surely looks good to try at least once. Maybe i split with somebody 😛 I guess i will have to use one of those excuses above hehe


Now you've got it -- taking care of yourself, I mean.  We're still all here keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.  Continue to be a model patient.  You're gonna get through this just fine!


I am glad you could postpone the cruise.  I am sure you will enjoy it more after you have healed from surgery.  I love your blog, so much information that inspires others.  Take my prayers, love and hugs with you Friday.

I've never seen your legs but I'm sure they are WOW, SO SEXY!!!!


Good for you Tommy for giving yourself the time you need to heal properly.

My accountant, who I just visited at his office yesterday, just had a quintuple bypass. He is a young, healthy, non-smoker,,who while exercising at the gym had a heart attack on the exercise bike. He says he doesn't remember much after that,,but he died twice & they had to use the defibrilator both times to bring him back. He looks great now! This was all very recent, and he is back to work! I notice that he seems very emotional, and I asked/suggested that he finds a support group. I know they have them,,my Dad and my husband's uncle both had quintuple bypass surgeries. Don't be surprised if you find yourself getting weepy or emotional after,,it is very normal part of the healing process, but they do have groups for sharing your experience and getting through the healing. I know it's a very personal thing, and those of us who haven't actually had the surgery will never truly understand. So that's my little bit of sharing,,I thought of you when my accountant told me why he went missing for the past month,,

You never ever know when it's going to happen to you, that's for sure!

Stay strong and keep smiling and know that I am thinking about you!

Love & Hugs,



My dad is having surgery Friday also.  So I will be busy praying and will include you, too!  A few years ago we took in a gentleman who lives nearby after he had bypass surgery.  I was amazed at how well he did and in such a short amount of time.  He was 70 at the time, and was not what you would call a cooperative patient, but we got through it! 

With your attitude, I know you will do great.

And if you want to moan a little, we are here to listen and sympathize.

Praying for you, Tommy. Take really good care.

From my heart to's going to be alright.

Another nice blog - honest and open. Just the way I like them. imagePrayers day and night. 


Tommy - I am so glad you decided to postpone the cruise....very smart because then you will have the energy to enjoy yourself! 

You know we are all sending prayers - and as Owl Feather said - you will be oaky!! I just know it!! 



You got this my good friend.  Honestly, truthfully... it is a scary surgery.  The good thing is that it has been done so many times... thousands... maybe more that they have it down pat.

It does not however take away the importance and seriousness this is to you.  Be thankful that they found the problem before something worse happened.

You have been such strength to so many, now it's our turn to hold you in prayer, and be there for you to lean on if you need to.  

All my prayers include one for your surgeon and for your speedy and pain free recovery.

Love to you.... Kellie


I never cease to be amazed at the way you reach out to help others even when you are going thru hell! And you know what they say about that....if you're going thru hell....keep on goin.............!

This was one of your best blogs. As I once told you, I never knew that was Mickey Mantle's quote----I thought it was my Dad's!!!

Hopefully, this will reach someone who is wavering and needs a push to get on with the quit.

And finally----you KNOW my thoughts and prayers will be with only one person until I hear GOOD news..........................YOU!


My thoughts and prayers are with you Tommy!  I know you'll do your best to be a good patient, but you will have to be a bit patient as your body heals from all the incisions.  In time, you'll be so much better and then you get to go on a cruise to celebrate!  That is sure something to look forward to.

I know you'll have someone get in contact with someone here on EX so all of us know how you're doing and how best to pray for your needs.

Peace to you!


You need to take a "cruise" to Canada!!!!! With any luck at all, you'll get iced in and have to stay the winter!!!! 😄

Make sure someone keeps us updated my friend, or you just might wake up to all of us at your bedside!!! 


You are in my thoughts and prayers.  God is good and he loves you. Looks like a lot of people do too around here! All the best to you Tommy.