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Share your quitting journey

Support? Help? Miracles?

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Are you looking for support

Are you looking for help?

Are you looking for miracles?

If you are looking for support….you’ve come to the right place. This community is the best place for support in quitting smoking. People here will advise, push, cry with, celebrate with and bleed with you.  We will always be here with you and for you.

If you are looking for help-----we can provide that too. The EX site describes many types of quitting assistance that some have used and some have not. Check it out and see what will work best for you. We will also help with resources on readings and education on what quitting will feel like at various stages.

If you are looking for a miracle……as in…..let me just wake up a non smoker-----no withdrawals, no cravings, no need to re-learn my day-----well, sorry. No miracles here.

Quitting takes some hard work…..not going to sugar coat it. The hard work is not just riding out the craves and withdrawals. It is the re-learning of your life. Realizing….BELIEVING…. that smoking was NEVER a necessary part of your existence. THAT’S THE HARD PART!  You need to admit that----smoking did not calm, excite, amuse, fix, reward………… anything………… in any way.

It was ALL a lie.

That’s hard. But, once you really do that, you will have your forever quit.

And, guess what? You will also have your miracle.

Stay Strong.


This lady doesn't blog often - but when she does - she BRINGS it! 

Great blog, Sootie! 



And Elder worth her weight in miracles.

The magic pill is YOU and what's between your ears. 

There is nothing that does it FOR with.  But there are many aides that do it WITH you.  And we are one of them!

Don't give up the fight!  Think about this - there is not ONE person who has ever quit smoking that regretted doing so.  The only regret is in going back to it.





Knowledge, drawn from reading about our addiction

Support, drawn from the people at this site

Common sense, found on the back shelf of your mind behind all the excuses

Combine all ingreidents into a clear head and shake gently! Age one minute at a time. Then one hour at a time. Then one day at a time!

Results: One MIRACLE

Servings: Share generously with as many people as you can!

ENJOY: The true joy is that the more you share this, the bigger the miracle becomes!


I am so glad I met you all you were there when I needed you the most.


EXcellent blog post from an EXtremely EXceptional friend and fellow EXer........


Thanks for your blog.  The miracle pill for quitting has not been developed yet.  Education about nicotine addiction is the miracle.   


Perfect, Sootie, absolutely perfect!


I am listening, I am learning and I am still smoke-free! Great Blog! Thank you, Sootie and all Elders that have aided my Quit!!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


A great blog Sootie !  I will tell you what was the miracle for me .......finding this site to give me all the loving support I needed to  make the commitment to quit and stick to it !

Today I am 450 days quit  and that feels miraculous to me !

Thanks for all the support Sootie and so many others too  ! I thank God for EX !

About the Author
I quit smoking in 2009 after years and years of addiction. I just became sick and tired of the whole smoking thing. This site was a lifesaver with the support I as you can see, I hung around to help others. I became friends with many people....some are here now and some are gone. Welcome to anyone who is new....this is EX....we are all here for each other.