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Sunday Morning

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Bass Harbor winter.jpg

Bass Harbor Light, Bass Harbor is on Mount Desert Island.  It's where my oldest daughter lived before they moved to Alaska - they're doing well up there.  It's cold here again today, the clocks are all changed (the manual change ones) and I'm ready for some coffee.

Accepting Change

The winds of change blow through our life, sometimes gently, sometimes like a tropical storm. Yes, we have resting places—time to adjust to another level of living, time to get our balance, time to enjoy the rewards. We have time to catch our breath.

But change is inevitable, and desirable. Sometimes, when the winds of change begin to rustle, we’re not certain the change is for the better. We may call it stress or a temporary condition, certain we’ll be restored to normal. Sometimes, we resist. We tuck our head down and buck the wind, hoping that things will quickly calm down, get back to the way things were. Is it possible we’re being prepared for a new “normal”?

Change will sweep through our life, as needed, to take us where we’re going. We can trust that our Higher Power has a plan in mind, even when we don’t know where the changes are leading.

We can trust that the change taking place is good. The winds will take us where we need to go.

From: The Language of Letting Go....


Good one Larry, thank you


Thank You Larry, very good read. Change is one thing that can never be changed, it is life, forever changing. My Dad lived in Southwest Harbor, know the area it’s beautiful.


Good Morning Larry

How  I do enjoy your pictures of Maine

Larry with the way last year was I didn't turn any of my manual clocks back  I told Joyce I wasn't going to fall back and refused to add a extra hour onto 2020

Enjoy your coffee and have a peaceful day


Thank you!  LarryG

Awesome, as usual!  God bless you!


Unique perspective in that shot.  Makes it all the more interesting!  brrrrrrr, though!

When will Spring arrive in your neck of the woods?  Another month?  Hope SOON!


Maybe Spring will be here in a couple of weeks


Hmmmmmm haven't had coffee since 2011 it went POOF with the NO PUFF - January 6th 2011


Thank you Larry for another beautiful picture although it looks really cold and thanks for another great post I'm saying HELL NO TO THE SMOKES AND HELL YES TO A SMOKEFREE LIFE......


The photo is lovely, as always.

The message is so timely (no pun intended).  As much as I find myself more and more resistant to change these days, I also find that I adjust more easily and quickly than ever before.  Thank you for sharing.


About the Author
I quit on October 25, 2013, it was the best decision I ever made (or, one of them). I smoked for over 50 years and quit Cold Turkey. My most useful tool is gratitude, you can borrow some from me.