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Sudden change in my Life.

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Tragically, my mom, my best friend passed away suddenly on October 15, 2011 from a massive stroke. I am devastated, and unfortunately started back smoking that same day. I know it will not help me to cope with grief, but right now I think it is. I will honestly try to quit again, but essentially this is a complete restart for me. I can't even begin to think up a quit plan, but I really want to do this soon.




I'm so sorry you lost your mom.

when you are ready you will be ready.

make that "I know it doesn't help anything" real in your heart and you will be ready to start.


So sorry for your loss.  Please know that smoking will not really make anything better, then you can start your quit again.  Again, so sorry for your loss.


sorry to hear about your mom, lost mine way back at your age as well.

maybe you can quit smoking in honor of her...


I am so sorry to hear about your mom. You do what ever you need to do and we will be here for you. You did say that your mom was your best friend and as your best friend I bet she would love for you to be a non smoker. I agree with Jo, it would be a very good way to honor your mom.


I know I should stop.My mom would kill me dead if she knew I was smoking.


Sorry to hear about your mom. I have grief around my heart too and have been struggling with my quit. I have experience loosing people the last few months too. Even tho they died of cancer and didn't smoke my brain says see it won't hurt you. But I know different, I just haven't experienced enough bad stuff related to the smoking to convince myself that the smoking affects will show up later. Some are happening now and I still cont. to puff away, knowing what it is doing to me. I'd say that i am in denial that it won't happen to me too. Your mom probably does know you are smoking. When we pass on I believe that we know all. Do your best and quit as soon as possible. keep faith that it is the right thing to do.


yeah, she would be sad watching you smoke.

My mother left me a letter when she passed away, asking a few things of me, one of those things was to quit smoking...

that was the last thing on the list I had to do,

make your mother proud, dont smoke


You have friends here ready to support your decision.


Sorry for your loss, I know how much it hurts cause I've been there.  Honor your Mother and best friend by making the decision to quit now.  The support is here please use it.


I am so sorry to hear of your mother passing suddenly.  I will whisper a prayer.


Gerron - my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your mom. As we are all saying, we'll be here for you. Take care of yourself.


I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, Please take care of yourself,

We'll be here with open arms for when you are ready to come back,

Please do not delay, my prayers go out to you, May God give you the strenth you need at a time like this






so sorry about the loss of your mom. but smoking is not helping you deal with this. stop smoking asap. its not good for you and i am sure your mother would not have wanted you to smoke again. take care of your self and i wil say a prayer for you


You came back here to EX for a reason, Gerron and I believe you want to resume your quit, despite your sorrow.  You're looking for us to tell you, "yes, get back to your quit, it's the righ thing to do, you can do it", and I believe you want to do it.  Remember, they are nothing more than dried leaves wrapped in white paper that you light with fire.  Not really best friend, comfort material, is it?  Peace to you, Gerron.


I am sorry to hear about your loss.