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Share your quitting journey

Succeeding this time

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I, at this point, don't expect a huge welcome back party but I will not quit trying. I know my only chance of success is this site.

I have been getting on here daily and reading blogs. I started a smoking cessation class last night but it seems pretty lame. Maybe a waste of $20.00. I'm also starting pulmonary rehab on Thurs. I'm just getting over a pretty bad copd flare-up and the steroids (highest amount I've ever been on) are making it very hard for me to sleep. All in all, feeling pretty crappy the past couple of weeks.

My quit date is Mon. 10/10. I'll still use the patch but since huge aggitation got me last time, my psychiatrist gave me some clonidine to help with that. Agitation comes also with bipolar and clonidine isn't a antianxiety agent but does help with that. There is some debate after studies that it may actually help with smoking cessation.

I'm really happy and excited to be back. Still no alchohol. That is going great.


Glad to see you back!

Welcome back.  Stay, don't leave. Read, read and read. Everyday ready everyones blogs.  I have been doing it 1 crave at a time.  I am still too early on to look at the big picture.  I can do 1 minute at a time. That works for me. My prayers are with you.  Just keep trying, don't give up.



Connie, I've obviosly misses something, but putting pieces together this morning it sounds like you lost your quit. How many days did you have. I'm sorry that you lost your quit and the smartest thing you could have done was come back here. I wish you the best with your new quit. We're all here for you!



Good for you for coming back, Connie! Let's make this happen!


Welcome back Connie.  We are all here to cheer you on!


Welcome back, Connie.  It really is good to see you here again.


Hi Connie, 

I read your profile; would you please go and edit for it not to say "I tried many times, I usually last 1 month".  In order to make this your last quit, you have to believe it.  We can help, but can't do the work, and you need to work on your belief: know you can do it, believe this is your last quit, don't leave any room for a relapse!

Welcome back, make sure you read Allan Carr's The Easy Way to quit smoking, it was a huge help to me at the very beginning of the quit. 

And please come here if you feel in trouble, write the word Help in the title of your blog, and help will come to you from all directions!!!

You can do it, we are doing this together!


Glad you are back, Connie! I myself am starting over. I have 3 days now. I know commitment and willingness are key elements of a successful quit. When I relapsed, I had neither. Keeping that commitment and willingness to do whatever it takes- that's what will take us to a whole new level in our quits and make them our forever quits.

NEF, SINAO, NOPE are good mantras. We cannot forget what led us here to quit again- it may cost us our lives! Keeping in the forefront of our minds that smoking is not an option and that we cannot take another puff- ever- that is vital!

(((Hugs))) and prayers for you. I'm right there with you. We can do this!!!


So glad you are coming back, Connie.  I apologize if I was too hard on you when you lost your quit.  I think the clonidine may help you.  When I was nursing in an adoescent psych unit they gave it to kids who were addicted. I know you can do this.  I am here for you.


So glad you are coming back, Connie.  I apologize if I was too hard on you when you lost your quit.  I think the clonidine may help you.  When I was nursing in an adoescent psych unit they gave it to kids who were addicted. I know you can do this.  I am here for you.


(((((Welcome home Connie, you can do this my friend ♡)))))


Hey Connie-

In case you don't recognize it.....this is a 

HUGE WELCOME BACK PARTY!!!!!!!!!  : ) ; )

We don't judge.....we support. We will offer advice and we may try to get you thinking in a different way so that you can be successful But we are always happy to have anyone back with us and quitting.

Stay strong.


Welcome back, Connie!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


Congratulations on having the courage to never give up. We are here to help. You have to do the work. You can do this. 


Welcome back Connie. Glad you came back and on quiting on becoming a nonsmoker. You CAN do this. Set your mind to commitment, determination and like Daniela says believing you will do it this time will get you farther in your quit. Read all you can and blog. 

About the Author
I'm 59 with severe COPD. I've decided I really want to live and I won't if I smoke. I have 4 grown boys, a grandson and granddaughter due on 9/10. Lots of reasons to live.