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Share your quitting journey

Stress and setbacks, process, just ranting

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I am on day 38 of my quit. I slipped once. But I do not beat myself up for it. Actually the holiday time is extremely difficult for me, my family is acting up despite the fact that I do not communicate with them anymore. My birthday was a few days after Thanksgiving and it was tough. I entered a new relationship and it is already challenging. I don't know how not to blow up and keep it under control. Yes a smoke would make it seem so much easier, I at least would have a coping mechanism to deal with it. I have gained at least 5 lb, and all my clothes is too tight. My face blew up and I just feel life I look. So life sucks right now big time. I want to cry. I can't sleep because I am stressed and pissed at my boyfriend. I am not scared, nope, just a rough patch in life. I am drinking too much right now as well, so it's all just shitty all over. Holidays don't make it better or easier, it's all too stressful and I am falling apart. Not to sound too cliche But I Am OK with falling apart and getting my shit all over the place. My expectations were too high, and I put too much pressure on myself and other people around me. I am grateful for all the resources I have, I am grateful for people in my life even if they don't exist or disappoint me or just do stuff without thinking or how it would affect me. I am still grateful for myself. I take care of me and my needs, and I am nice to myself. So no, I am not going back to smoking, f*ck those companies that make money off of me. Going to the gym tonight 


Wise to go to the gym.  Exercise not only creates dopamine but helps get the stress out of us.  And crying also relieves stress.  As long as we don't sit and wallow in it too long.  Quitting sucks.  Yup.  But just keep working at it.  I cannot tell you how cool it is when you get over the bad part.  And believe us when we say the bad part won't last forever.  None of us long-term quitters would have made it if it did.  

Hug from behind emoticon (Hug Emoticons)


You did GOOD to come here and rant instead of smoking over it all.  Life CAN be challenging - how we choose to respond tells the tale!  You chose wisely!

Choosing to go to the gym to work off some of the angst is ALSO a good choice.  You can get a hit or two of the dopamine you are missing.  Go there early and often; I think you will notice a huge positive influence over how you feel.

Keep going - it WILL get easier - I promise!



38 days quit is great....even if it doesn’t feel that way....part of this journey is learning coping mechanism’s...and you will find your’s...I am glad you came here to vent...please do it more often as you struggle with the Christmas is tough on many of us especially due to family relationships....I so emphasize with you...Be good to you and be sure to read “No Mans Land Days 30 to 130 (approximate) “... a workout at the gym will help...~ Gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen ~ 378 DOF 


Yes Ef those tobacco companies and yeah for going to the gym. That's a win. Keep it coming.


thank you guys, I really appreciate your support. Cry - check


Your here and that's what matters. Stay close to us. Sending hugs


Big congrats on your 38 days.  Yes, it sure can be an emotional adjustment.  It lasted a good while for me.  Another thing that helped me was just going for a walk--it could be a short one, but it helped me to refocus.  Stay close and keep up the good work.



Congratulations on your quit AND on your recognition that you are in the process of learning to FEEL, that is NORMAL, smoking is NOT!
