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Share your quitting journey

Stopping Chantix and restarting

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 I stopped taking chantix after 17 days I am on day 30 and slipped up on day 26 can I start where I left off of Chantix? Really don't know what to do. I was happy and very content and just slipped up. 

11 Comentarios

when you smoke, you have fed the nicotine receptors in your brain.

will they forget you slipped? They don't work that way. They don't forget.

The chantix is not nicotine based so I don't know what that would have to do with restarting?

Most of us count our quit date from our last puff.

The reason? You have a real sense of when you started and it's easier to keep track from the real point you quit smoking.

It's really up to you.

I think you should be on the same page with the rest of us as far as keeping time.

You say "I was doing so good and then I just slipped" It's kind of contradictory

Obviously, you were not doing so good or you would not have smoked.

Smoking is a choice.

But do what you want


Why did you stop Chantix?      Call your dr and see if you need to start at the base or can go back to where you left off.        Just stop smoking.     Start your count again.....that's what we do when we make a choice to start smoking.      And listen to Dale above.    

Why did you choose to smoke?    Figure that out so you don't make the same mistake again.

You can do this if this is what you choose to do!

We're here.

Stay strong.



Did you do any of the reading?    Any of the steps on the main page?     You need to be informed.

Here's a couple of links for you to start with.

  Alan Carr online book
   Quit smoking online 

I made it for 26 days and then slipped up. When I quit smoking I was at  2-6 a day. I guess I thought I did not need the chantix anymore because I was not a heavy smoker. I learned differently when I slipped up. I just want to know if I can start back where I left off? 

I know I chose to smoke and I regret it. It does feel like a failure in myself. 

Thank you Smorgy for the kind words


The physical part of your choice to smoke was explained to you. You can't fool the receptors.

As stated above, you can do anything you want. What happens the next time you slip?


I hope I learn from my mistake Ima Deer.

 I hope I learn that I was just as miserable with that in my hand as I was for 25 years. There was no "joy" or "relief" just hiding and smoking and letting myself down. Really this is a struggle that is not easy and I want to quit. I was a smoker for 25 years, a quitter for 26 days, a smoker for 3days and today I will be a quitter again. 

I don't think I can start the chantix back up because I have had it out of my system to long. 

I did find the book and am reading thank you


I feel that quitting is mor about deciding than wanting. When you decide, there is no option to smoke.

Here's the best hint I can give you. 

Most if not all people talk themselves into smoking. They say stuff like I" really want a smoke" or "just one can't hurt."

The other quit killer is drinking to the point of loss of self control or cognative thinking.

These are choices.

You cannot let yourself do that.

The way to intercept and counteract it is to use positive self talk. "I don't do that anymore"

If I am reading this correctly today is day 1. Drink lots of water and do slow deep breathing. Remember when a crave hits it only lasts a few minutes. Read,read,read and take from peoples blogs what will work for you in your quit, we are all here you !

Rather than try to answer the Chantix question yourself, you might call your pharmacist,  They may be able to advise you.  If not, call your doctor tomorrow.  Don't give up on taking it yet if it appeared to help! 



Don't give up on yourself, you can get your quit back!  I don't know anything about taking Chantix.


I was at close to 2 packs a day and quit  you don't have to use chantix ? Get back on it you can do it