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So today is day 19 without a cigarette.  I used patches for the first 7 days then wanted all nicotine out of my system so didn't use anything after day 7.   I was doing good until I went to a friend's house who was having a party for her 10-year-old son.  I was sitting in her living room and there were 11 adults there.  9 of them were smoking.  It smelled so good and I wanted so badly to join in with them and smoke.  I didn't have any cigarettes so I didn't, but then I came home and for the next two days I was feeling all crappy and sorry for myself.  I thought about smoking 24/7 and kept thinking, "I love to smoke.  Why am I depriving myself like this?".  Then I was here at this website and I accidentally clicked something and a blog post popped up that listed a long list of diseases that are caused by smoking.  Now, that's the whole reason I quit smoking because I'm absolutely terrified of getting a smoking-related illness.  So I read that long list and knew right away why I was depriving mysdelf of something I love to do!  After that I felt so much better about my quit and stopped telling myself I wanted to smoke.

I browse the posts over at quitnet and all these people are like "I breathe so much better now" or "I got so many benefits from quitting".  I felt bad because I haven't noticed any difference since I quit smoking.  Then yesterday my roommate said, "You haven't been coughing".  I said, "What are you talking about?  I never had a cough".  He said, "You don't clear your throat anympore".  Then I remembered!  I used to always have gunk in my throat and I would have to clear my throat constantly.  I had a job at a call center and I was always trying to clear my throat to talk to the customers.  I hadn't noticed that that has stopped!  Woo hoo!



onward and upward


Awesome job on 19 days!!!!


Congratulations on your 19 days smoke free! Yep those cigarettes are not worth our lives. Good choice on remaining smoke free!


Congrats on 19 days of freedom.

The journey continues


Congratulations!  Good for you.  Be proud!  Nineteen days is great.  Keep alert for other benefits.  A co-worker recently told me my farts don't stink anymore, which I hadn't noticed, but she's right.

= )


Great job on 19 days. Keep going you can do this.


Next time you might want to plan ahead if you are going somewhere you don't klnow the smoking arrangements.  Take a bottle of water to sip on, or some sugarfee mints.  You might want to write down your reasons for quitting and keep it with you to look at when it gets tough, too.

You did GOOD not to join in and should be very proud! 

You WILL start noticing more and more benefits of quitting as time passes.  Have you noticed your hair smells like shampoo and not an ashtray?  Have you  noticed your smell and taste improving?  Have you quit the coughing fit after every good laugh?  If not - they are coming!!



You are doing super fantastic with your precious quit, congrats on 19 wonderful smoke free days and counting WTG. 



I stayed away from smokers for months, i knew i was weak and that it wouldn't take much for me too pick up the habit again, keeping my hands busy was the key for me.Sounds as if your doing a great job its so worth it you will see.


Congratulations on 19 DOF.  And seeing one of the benefits of why you should stop smoking.

You Did It ! Congratulations


Congratulations!  It's sometimes the benefits that we don't see, the ones on the inside of our bodies that are the greatest!


Congratulations on 19 days and not caving in to temptation. That is awesome. Inspires me to keep staying strong. Day 2 is just about done.  Feeling very grateful tonight because I was able to give my mom a smoke-free and stinky-free hug at my visit!  

About the Author
I'm 47 and live in NE Ohio. I smoked for 23 years. I quit on Dec. 19, 2016. I don't really want to quit because I love smoking. Love the smell, the taste, the act. But it's too expensive and it's bad for you so I'm quitting anyway even though I don't really want to. Just gotta do it anyway.