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Still gonna quit

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It's about a month to my quit date and I'm already not looking foward to it. I want to do it though. I need to be around for my kids and I'd be in pretty good shape if I didn't smoke

Dude, I'm just not seeing the enthusiastic steely resolve in anticipation of your great new life as an ex-smoker, no longer a slave to nicotine addiction.

I smoked for 38 years. Never even tried to quit until after I lit my last cigarette at 54 years old. I wish somebody had kicked my ass when my little daughter was the age of yours.

You aren't giving up smoking, you are saying good riddance to an awful addiction and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

Let's hear a little enthusiasm! You should be so looking forward to your freedom that you can't wait for your quit date and move it up. Quitting just isn't that hard if you wrap your mind around it in a positive way.
I have to agree with are looking at this quit in a negative way. Oh, I'll admit that quitting isn't easy, but you need to look at this quit as something you will gain, not something you will loose. Your quit date is really far away gives you too much time to think of all the negative factors. I would suggest that you re-write all the reasons you want to quit, down on paper, In Detail....and I'll ask you this.....What Has Smoking Ever Done For You? Has it given you good health? Has it given you freedom from control? Has it helped your family? Do you get paid to smoke? Think of all the things that quitting can do for you! You will be a responsible parent by not only showing your daughter you have the courage and strength to face your fear, but that you care enough about her to make sure you don't hinder your health and will be around for her. How PROUD she will be of you! Please go to Michael Patterson's page and read what he has to say. It might put things in a better perspective for you. Another thing you will be doing for your will be giving her the chance to not ever smoke. It's a known fact that 70% of the children of parents who smoke, usually end up smoking. Is that what you want for your daughter? And what about you? Most everything worthwhile in life takes hard work to obtain.......isn't your life worthwhile? I think it is...and I'm sure your family thinks it is!!! What about the second hand smoke around your daughter and the rest of your family? Did you know that the chemicals from smoke linger on your walls and clothes for months exposing your family to those chemicals? If we speak about your health, I'm sure you know all the obvious things that can happen to you......heart disease, cancer, emphysema, asthma......but, did you know that smoking contributes to Macular Degeneration, glucoma, and other eye diseases causing blindness? I could go on and on but you get the idea. Get excited about quitting! Think about all the positive experiences you will gain from quitting. The freedom to control your own life....without the cigarettes dictating where, when and how you are going to smoke. Do your realize that half of your decisions in life are based around your smoking? Decide whether you want to be a slave to smoking or not. Then go through the EX plan on again to feel comfortable with the process. Read all you can about the quitting process....go to and learn about your addictive behaviors to figure out what you need to change. Get the book by Alan Carr, "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking". Read, write on here often to help you through the craves and ask for support and help....we are all here for you. YOU CAN DO THIS! You are stronger than you think you are and you will not loose anything,, you will only gain.