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Share your quitting journey

Stepping out of my comfort zone.

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When I quit smoking, it was very abrupt. There was no planning, no setting a quit date, no preparation...wham, hello, you quit smoking TODAY because tomorrow you will be in the hospital!  So now that I am able to walk again, I see that I have random lighters laying around and my mind says well you should keep them, you might need them someday...Need them for what? To start a fire in the fireplace..oh wait I have base board heating! Light a candle...Yeah if I want to go to the emergency room because I've just received third degree burns to my fingertips!!  Take them on my next camping trip? Right, I haven't been camping since I was 10!!  So today I lined up all the little suckers like they were getting ready for the firing squad and with one fell swoop of my hand and little jaunt outside I have diplomatically relocated them to the dumpster!! 🙂

I also am taking on the battle of the bulge at the same time because right now my life depends on it!! I don't get the luxury of waging one war at a time! Over the last 10 years I have lost 150 lbs and I still have almost 100 more to you can tell I pretty much sunk into a hole and didn't really care about finding my way out, but something awesome happened to me 10 years ago and I slowly began to dig my way to the light!! So today I make a stand against nicotine and carbs...oh the best comfort foods of all time!! 

I am stepping out of my comfort zone, throwing off the cocoon I have allowed you to wrap me in, giving you the finger, walking away and never looking back!! I am so totally over you and we are officially divorcing!! I will not allow myself to be your slave ever again, so my enemy, I am breaking the shackles...I am so much better than this and I will be better than this!! I deserve so much more and dammit I AM WORTH IT!!


10 Comentarios

I love your last paragraph, gonna print it and put it on the fridge to motivate me daily!!!! Huge congratulations on your determination, it will see ya through anything!


AWESOME blog!!! Your words are so inspiring. I felt stronger myself just reading your words. Congratulations on your 11 Smoke Free days and 10 lb loss!!! WAY TO GO!!! You have a lot to be proud of! Keep up the great job! You CAN do it!!!


You can do this I did my quit with very little planning 2 days and its 50 today the real secrete is don't act on emotions or stresses or craves read on the addiction Allen Carr book helps its on a link on this site or someone can send to you I snacked a lot first week craves go away just hang in there chew gum yell eat sleep get through one day at a a time or one hour at a time 


congrats on 11 days, it is good to be free,   you can do this.


Here's to you reaching the light and feelin the sun on ya face................

Being a NOPEer is  FUN   .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Wow - great! Congrats on your quit and on your weight loss! 


Congrats, on taking good care of you good accomplishments there and a positive attitude.


You are inspiring! loved reading your blog!


Nice job and great blog!


i'm glad the 10 lbs lighter wasn't from losing all the lighters.

now it all makes sense

you got lighter AND you got rid of your lighters

now what's this about losing the lighters? just kidding

great job!!!!