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Share your quitting journey

Step by Step

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As you enter those first hours and days of your quit journey you may be filled with diametrically opposing yet coexisting feelings: joy and sadness, peace and anger, calm and nerves, and many more feelings. This phenomenon is not uncommon in the human experience but we generally are able to select one of the opposites to focus on and reject or ignore it's inverse. Smoking Cessation especially during physical withdrawal can make these emotions feel like they are rippling though us like a roller coaster.

I experienced these days with a pumping of adrenaline that left me wired and tired and sleeplessly energized. Others feel a deep depression and haven't the energy to get out of bed. After the physical withdrawal these symptoms don't disappear but subside into manageable increments. Extra rest whenever possible can help manage these early days.

But what about the following days? We might expect that after 3-5 days we're quit. Perhaps you have a family member or friend who seemed to lay down the pack and be done - just like that! I don't know of anybody who is asked more questions to be like that despite appearances - perhaps there are. Good for them but I wouldn't count on it!

Knowing what the triggers of cravings are does help: people, places and things. Some we can distance ourselves from and others we will need to overcome in the moment. The critical boss, annoying neighbor, fussy sibling - we all have folks in our lives some of whom we can stay away from (at least temporarily) and some we can explain our project of smoking cessation which will license them to take it easy and some who won't change their attitude at all. Be prepared - walk away if you can but when you can't walk away, have a plan of resistance. 

Places are easier - clean out your house, car, patio or other prior smoking places. Stay away from work break smoking areas. Don't go into or even near that gas station, convenience store or tobacco shop. I had my wife fill gasoline in my car until I was ready to take on temptation. I took it n steps. Soon I could fill my car with a card from the pump and not go inside. Later I could actually go inside and buy a cold drink or a pack of gum. It took a lot of inching in little by little and I still found it challenging.

Things - even easier if you really want to quit - no lighters, ashtrays, favorite paraphernalia and - certainly, no pack to prove you can keep it without smoking! Get rid of them! That's proof enough of intent. Alcohol - it's too tough to quit sober so why add fuel to the fire? You can make quitting easy or hard and you can make relapsing (i.e. "slipping") easy or hard.

Yes, you will have to get through some unexpected triggers but many can be avoided. Why make quitting harder than it already is? If you mean it - live it - one moment at a time. Ask yourself if the decision you make right now is in support of your smoking cessation or pushing the limits. If you push you will get pushed back. "Scientists have found, for instance, that nicotine is as addictive as heroin, cocaine or amphetamines, and for most people more addictive than alcohol."


Take it one step at a time and make Successful related decisions about people, places, and things!  That's challenge enough! You can do this! Not One Puff Ever! It's the only way - with or without quit aids.

LLAP! ["Live long and prosper!"]

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1