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Share your quitting journey

Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.

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A very good morning to each of you, it's a dark dreary, drab, dismal drisslie dank day but at least it's not snowing but that's going to happen soon enough, well we're into Fall already, let's all of us Exers embrace our precious ongoing beautiful splendiferous quits and not let ourselves become complacent and lazy but protect it and nurture it because our health and lives are depending on remaining smoke free, like most things in life smoking is a consious choice so when waking up each morning smile and say yay today will be another day WON! 

Marilyn 806 DOF 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....