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Share your quitting journey

Starting over

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Smoked only a few over a couple of days. Well, maybe about 7-8. I plan on waking up tomorrow and resuming my quit. I'm starting to be able to a little more around the house. It's been four weeks since my hip surgery. I'm recovering pretty well. I wanted to take a walk today but was a little more sore after traveling to Florida. I'm going to try and walk around my neighborhood tomorrow. I didn't get the ok from my doc to walk my dog yet even though she doesn't pull. I want to walk her so it's frustrating. My husband and kids walk her and we have a huge fenced in backyard. She's got a best friend who comes over and plays every day so I guess I shouldn't feel guilty that she's not getting what she needs!!  I'll get there soon enough. Part of my problem with smoking is my boredom with my recovery and the year of pain I put up with until someone finally found out what was wrong. My youngest son, 21, was so upset that I slipped up. He said he loves me and doesn't want to watch me die of cancer. I don't want him to go through that. His best friend died of cancer when he was 13. He used to sleep at the hospital with him. I'm going to keep that in mind. I don't want my family to go through that. I want to be DONE with this stupid habit. 

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We want you to be DONE as well! But, it is not a stupid habit! It is a nasty stinking addiction! A habit is which leg you put in your pants first! You can break a habit by doing it different 21 times! Freeing ones self from an addiction requires a lot more!

It requires education, committment, and support! Learn all you can about this addiction! We will provide information sources! But you gotta do the reading! We will provide on-going support! But, you have to make the committment, and then honor your word to yourself!

Now let's get this done! Sleep well tonight! A better life starts tomorrow!    Tommy


Thanks for the wise words of wisdom!  I'll sleep well and accomplish what I set out to do tomorrow which is to STOP THIS NASTY STINKING ADDICTION!!! 


Tommy nailed it! Make sure you are the prep, read, read!!

I in no way want you to give you any excuse to prolong your quit, but I also know that being educated on what to expect, when to expect it, and how to handle those times is paramont in winning over this addiction!!

It's a fight, but it's one you CAN win!!!

Meme (3/24/14:)


Been reading a lot tonight. Gonna do it:)


I am also "Starting over"  Tomorrow is my day too.  I wish both of us luck.  I need to spend more time on here reading everything.  I feel like I have let everyone in my family down with my starting again.  Most of all i let myself down.  I was really feeling good about my quit.  Not real sure why I didn't stick with it.  But I am not going to give up!!  We will get through this!!


No luck in quitting. Takes determination and perseverance. First you make the DECISION to quit. Then Keep reading and get your MINDSET right. It has to be in a quit mode 24 hours a day thru the craves. No luck in quitting. Preparation is the key. Read all you can about nicotine addiction. I wish you well on your journey of self discovery.

Candy       d211


Good for you for setting a new quit date, which is today!!! It is important to look at how you will deal with stressful situations in the future. Relapses do teach.

You can do this!!!!!


Got to get through the tough times smoke free because life is full of them and stressful situations.  You can do this, we are all here for you!


My son was over yesterday and I had a couple of his cigs. Today when I woke up I went right out on the farmers porch and lit up a couple of clinchers that were left over. I didn't get enough nicotine to make me feel good and now I want to buy a pack. I can't disappoint my other two sons. They still live at home while going to school. I am so frustrated. I want to get a pack but I know they'll be mad. So far I haven't gone to get any. Haven't driven since my surgery yet anyway. I'm going to give it my all.