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Started Smoking Again

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 I had the shoulder surgery  the 18th, am typing one handed, and discovered I can't crochet.  i'm going stir crazy, have smoked 2 1/2 packs in 4 days and know I can't completely quit until I find out from the doc what my limits are and when just being awake doesn't hurt as much.


What does quitting have to do with the fact you can't crochet, are typing one handed and are going stir crazy?  You can't "completely quit until you find out from the doc what your limits are...."  ???  What has that got to do with quitting?  I don't get it?  You're smoking again because? of what?  Discomforts in your life?  And you don't want to add another discomfort onto it  i.e. quitting?  So...smoking again makes all the pain in your shoulder...go away? Smoking again enabled you to start crocheting again?  Stopped you from being stir crazy?  I don't get it.

These are all wonderful excuses.  Do you see that?  Sorry.  Being a bad-ass, blunt, no-nonsense truth teller here.  Well, only based upon my experience as a 6 year quitter. 

I hope your pain lessens quickly. and that you are able to find something that fulfills your need for activity.  Physical Therapy oughtta do that!  lol.  When I had achilles surgery  (around the same time I quit smoking) I spent a LOT of time doing them exercises.  Put your craving energy into your workout.  It sure helped me.  Might help you.  You can do this. 

Hang in.  Keep working it. 


Just put them DOWN Dreamer!!!  There is always going to be SOME KIND of stress in your life...another hurdle to jump over!  You can't use that as an excuse or you will never quit!  Do it now!  We are here for you!  Hope you feel better soon!


Guila, you r right on all points, but I just don't know how to get past the withdrawal. I've not found anything that helps me deal with it.. I know it comes down to attittde and not letting the crave speak louder than the desire to quit. I clearly am just having a hard time applying what I know in my head


Thanks flomigrl. 🙂


Wow, to the above posts by Guila and flomigirl.  You really were right on and glad you didn't pull your punches.  dreamer567....that is meant only with love, tough love.  Anybody can say "there there now, just try again".  They told you straight up and I am proud of them and proud of you for not running away.

Read Read Read.  Are your legs able to move?  you can walk even if you only walk in the house. Please hang  out here and read and go to and read read read.

Hang in there.


You will " get past the withdrawal" the same way you will have to recuperate from your surgery. Just accept that it is going to be hard and painful but if you do what the EXperts and the Docs tell you to do, you will overcome it! I don't know what kind of surgery you had but rotator cuff is a very long recovery involving exercises everyday. Your long term mobility depends on you doing the exercises, even though they are quite painful. You are really going to have to 'put on your big girl panties' to get through this one! I say quitting while recuperating from surgery and being bored to death is a pretty good brag!!! Go for it.....


YES... to what Mags said! 

YOU... have to understand that the withdrawl is ONLY the nicotine leaving your body.  Don't make more out of it than it needs to be. 

IF... you haven't read Allen Carr's book... I suggest strongly that you do so.            (You can't smoke and turn pages at the same time with one'??)

It was just recently that I began to understand what I had been doing for the last 250 days...... Yes, I had a one cigarette slip up at 225 days.... and restarted my clock..... BUT, I got Allen Carrs book to help me get MY HEAD on track.  Once I did.... its been fairly smooth sailing!



Have you tried chantix?  It worked for me.  I see in your other blog that you suffer from panic attacks?  Are you on medication for this?  I think you need to get your panic attacks under control then you will be able to quit with the right frame of mind.  I will say this again and again because it is worth repeating.  The fear of quitting is much worse that the quit itself.  You can do this.


So sorry you are going through such a difficult time! Smoking will decrease your ability to heal by a huge percentage...I know that health reasons have not gotten you to quit in the past but today is a new day and all you have to do is make a decision and just DO really is simple...YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN A CIGARETTE! xo


Excuses are like a-------; everyone has one. Get back on track and commit to quit! You can do this!!!


"am just having a hard time applying what I know in my head"

Well, then I guess you just need more brain-washing.  Seriously.  Keep reading.  Because most of what you'll read on here is the same thing over and over and over again told in different ways by different voices.  But ultimately it's the same thing being said.  Constant reinforcement of the ideas expressed on here, should eventually sink into the very fibers of your brain cells.  YOU have to deal with the withdrawal.  It's not something ELSE, some magic elixer, that's gonna make it all craving-free and easy.  An NRT may take the edge off, but at some point you're going to have to walk without the crutches.  If you wanna walk.  Keep working it .