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Share your quitting journey

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Still haven't smoked. Still not happy about it. So, yes, apparently I am doing it wrong.

Yesterday and today have been terrible white knuckle it days even with NRT. I am seriously debating about saying the hell with it. I am however, still telling myself all the reasons I have for deciding to quit. And, apparently, I have a new added reason--------bad stress test. Will find out on that Friday.

Since last October, my health has been one TV pitchman after another---"But wait! There's more!" Getting real tired of this----good news on one hand and then the-wait-there's-more....ggrrrrrrrr

Sorry gang for the bitch session, but that is just the way it is today.


14 Comentarios

Sara, Sounds like you need to pull out those early quit tools! Keep them away from your face! You don't do that any more. Small slow sips of ice water and deep breathing! You can do this Sara! PM me if you want to!

Terrie  58  DOF


Hang in there!


Maybe you imagine we all signed up as "Happy Quitters!" Actually many of us came fighting and screaming! BUT WE CAME AND STAYED! I didn't stop fighting myself until about Day 75 more or less. I made myself miserable with the white knuckle approach and only then did I learn how to get out of my own way!

I stopped debating whether to quit, stay quit or smoke and made it clear to me

SINAO as Jackie says:

Smoking is not an option! PERIOD!

So the perspective changes and the battle changes to - 

OK then what can I do instead?

You can't won't last with white knuckles so take a very long deep breath - Make up your mind to LOCK THE DOOR to smoking - And plunge into it as relaxed as you can possibly make it! 

Staying busy with a new hobby or activity really helps! 

But what helps the most is to set the ground rules


The slightest gap in that thinking starts the whole battleground all over again!

COMMIT! It's waaaaaay easier!


I can't think of anything to add to what Thomas said.  You are, in fact, wearing yourself out arguing with yourself.  I have linked a Bob Newhart video for you that might help!

No more "white knuckling" it - you cannot win an argument with yourself!!!  When that thought enters your head - DO something.  Take deep breaths, sing out loud, go for a walk, take a bath, let ice cubes melt in your mouth ---- don't let that thought alone in your head

Everyone here who has been successful has been where you are - and we can attest to the fact that there IS freedom at the end of this addiction.  You just have to get through one day at a time......

Hang in there - it DOES get easier!



Excellent advice above! Those first days really can be a pain. I always tried to focus on the freedom rather than the current discomfort. When I was really craving, I'd use my mind to visualize myself doing thing without those cigarettes. And I'd make sure that in my vision, I was smiling! 

What you're doing right now is creating a much brighter future for yourself. There's so much peace down the road. And yes, the voice in your head will eventually calm down.

 Try to remember that a crave actually only lasts a few minutes. I think what happens is that in some cases the crave causes us to think about the signal and when we do this, it ends uip seeming like one long crave.

Take the advice above and don't give up on yourself. So many of us have made this journey and have found the peace that awaits you. It's well worth a few days of discomfort.

Wishing you the best!



Bitching is allowed.  Smoking isn't.  Being happy about it isn't required either.  "Still haven't smoked" sounds like the option to do so is alive in your mind.  The threat of the "yet."  Closing the option door will relieve some of the white knuckling.  You're living in two worlds still in your mind.  Keep choosing the smoke-free one.  And one day you WILL find that you're happy about it. 


Listen to the Elders that are no telling you anything wrong.  However, it is up to you to make the right choice.  Yeah you are having a hard time but damn that will pass also if you let it.  Stop holding on to the thought that you might smoke.  Keep saying, believing and knowing that no matter what you are not going to smoke.  You are my friend and you can not let your self slip up now and feel sorry for it later.  It is not worth to keep starting over again and being more miserable.  This will pass. Stop fighting and roll with it.  Rock this quit.  You can do it. I know you can.


All the above advice is what I would give but since it already given, I will say COMMIT to no smoking for any reason because there is never a reason to smoke only an excuse.

You can do this and we will help and support you all the way.


i use nicoderm cq, cause i'm too chicken to "cold turkey." On day 17, still hard, but not smoking. today has been rough all day. its the habit of lighting up that gets to me. will this ever go away? how long does it take to lose it


I wasn't a happy quitter at the beginning of my quit.  It took time for me.  It is so worth whatever it takes.  Don't give up.


come on now you want to quit don't you/? nobody said it was easy. get you some NRT .  hang in here .


better to Grrr than to smoke. Keeping on stopping the smoking.


It is not easy BUT it does get easier with time ! I had many hard days in the beginning but I made up my mind not to even let myself think about going back to smoking, as  Thomas said commit !   Not one puff ever !  Self talk with positive affirmations about your health and quitting

You can do this I do not believe you really want to go back to day 1 !

Congrats on your quit don't give up the ship !


You are doing great.

I was nuts when I stopped.

Just bookend your days here and don't pick up.


You are doing great.

I was nuts when I stopped.

Just bookend your days here and don't pick up.